National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Special Edition


Claudia Adriana García

National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science.

MD. Office Director, Bogotá.

Head of the Forensic Casuistry Publishing Project, Bogotá Office.


Guest Editor:

Aida Galindo Bonilla Fino

National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science Bogotá Office

Bogotá, D.C. - Colombia.

M.Sc. Biologist




The main objective of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Science (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses) is to provide scientific support to the administration of justice in Colombia, through this activity it has forged itself a remarkable reputation and has opened the door to various expressions of knowledge in the forensic field.

In over a century of practicing this specialty, the Institute has provided answers to numerous questions that have been asked by legal authorities in the clarification of criminal offenses. Over this period of time, the Institute has acquired experience in the analysis of cases of all forensic disciplines and has shared it with other national and international entities, mainly through personalized training in its laboratories and different branches.

The Regional Office of Bogotá considers that the disemination of the knowledge acquired through the experience in analizyng cases througthout the city has a high academic and scientific value; thus it has called upon its experts to publish cases of relevance to other forensic groups.

The articles presented in this special edition of the Case Reports Journal are the product of an interest in recovering and sharing a sample of the Bogotá forensic cases from recent years, presented by several authors, many of whom received feedback and guidance in writing them with the common goal of clearly communicating, to both specialists and students, the most pertinent issues in forensic research.

We appreciate the interest and effort of every author and peer reviewer that have edited the manuscripts in great detail, because their work has allowed us to extract the most relevant aspects of forensic studies that experts face daily in their work. We would also like to thank the Vice deanship of the Center for Research and Extension of the Faculty of Medicine at the National University of Colombia, as well as Case Reports journal for their kind invitation to participate in this special edition on legal medicine and forensic sciences.