P. Completa
Innovar, vol. 32, no. 83, p. 4, 2022
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
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Director and Editor-in-Chief, Colombia
Innovar, vol. 32, no. 83, p. 4, 2022
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Just as the COVID-19 pandemic implied changes in the lives and habits of all of us, it also coincided with a period of renewal for the editorial project of Innovar journal. Some of the changes that occurred during this period may have been noticed by our readers, as is the case with the implementation of the preprints advance publication modality starting with issue 80 (April-June 2021), which has reduced the article publication times by 6 to 14 weeks; others have been of an administrative nature, less evident, such as, for example, the migration of the editorial process to the Open Journal System (OJS, version 3.2) editorial manager.

In fact, although the migration of the editorial process to OJS made it necessary to close the reception of articles via e-mail from November 2020, to reopen it again, this time via OJS, in September 2021, this did not affect the periodicity or the number of papers published. Thanks to the prestige of the journal, forged through 30 years of continuous work, we can have at least four issues covered, which has also been a reason to increase the number of articles published in each issue. Indeed, since January 2021 we have gone from publishing 10 to 11 articles per issue, which also made it necessary to promote efficiency in the use of the budget we have, as it was now a matter of doing more with less. May this be the opportunity to thank the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia for its financial support, otherwise it would be impossible to count on the long-standing history of this editorial project of open access scientific publication.

In addition, the publication of monographic special issues, which has served as a channel to make some specialized academic communities visible, contribute to the dissemination of part of their scientific production and promote debate within them, has been consolidating, especially in recent years. An example of this was the special issue on organizational studies which, given its excellent reception, made it necessary to publish two issues (issues 78, September-December 2020, and 79, January-March 2021), as well as the recently published issue on critical accounting (issue 82, September-December 2021). Our readers can also consult the call for the 2022 special issue, entitled "Marketing and consumer behavior during and in overcoming a pandemic", which closes in February 2022 and which we hope will have the same reception and successful scope as the two cases already mentioned.

All these changes are a sign of the efforts made by our academic community around Innovar, to keep it as a scientific publication in force and a reference in the disciplinary fields of management and accounting. During these thirty years of continuous publication, Innovar has established itself as one of the most relevant serial and peer-reviewed publications in its fields of action, especially for the respective Portuguese and Spanish-speaking communities. However, this has not been the result of luck, but of the commitment and effort made, among others, by the professors who served as editors and general editors, the academics involved in the editorial and scientific committees, all those researchers, evaluators and readers who have relied on the rigorous work of this journal, and innumerable collaborators1.

Finally, and within the context of change in which Innovar finds itself, it is also worth noting that our community will begin to see some changes in our editorials, as we will no longer make a presentation of each issue, but will instead promote the discussion of topics that are of interest to our readers; to this end, we will invite researchers and members of our academic community. For the near future, we will concentrate in the following editorials on the trajectory of our publication and some of its achievements. It only remains for me to wish all our readers and yours a happy end-of-year holiday season and a 2022 full of health and prosperity.

Supplementary material
1 will refrain from naming the people who have made our publishing project, Innovar, one of the most prestigious and recognized publications in the region (Latin America) because, in addition to the fact that the list is very long, I would run the risk of forgetting to include some people.
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