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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Is the file you are submitting in Microsoft Word or RTF format?

  • Are all URLs in the text (e.g., active and clickable?

  • Is the text double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 points and does not exceed 30 pages (excluding bibliography, tables, and figures)?
  • Does the text include italics instead of underlining (except URLs)?
  • Does it include illustrations, figures, and tables indicating where they should go?
  • Did you attach a separate digital file containing the figures, illustrations and tables that comply with Maguare´'s guidelines?
  • Did you avoid using footnotes (except for citing webpages and information regarding the academic and grant information about the research project on which your article is based)?

  • Did you follow the bibliographic and style guidelines included below?

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to Maguaré should not be under consideration elsewhere or have been published in any form. All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by three academic peers who evaluate if the piece should be published and who suggest minor or major changes.

Authors should send their manuscripts to the following electronic mail:; or to Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Cra. 30 n.º 45-03, edificio 212, oficina 130. Bogotá, Colombia.

The papers (average length of 30 pages, not including bibliography and graphic elements) must be sent in *.doc or *.rtf format, in size 12, double-spaced in Times New Roman. The book reviews will have a maximum length of 1.500 words (about 4 pages).

The first text page must include the following author’s data: full name and surname, institutional affiliation and contact e-mail or address. Article should include an abstract in Spanish and English (with a maximum length of 128 words) and 10 Spanish and English keywords. If the article is a research result, it’s title and funding source must be included as a footnote. Original photographs, illustration, tables or diagrams must be submitted on separate digital folder. Photographs and illustrations must be compressed in png, jpg or tiff format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. All images, figures or tables which are not the researcher’s authorship must have written authorization from the original author and the adequate reference or clarifying note. This authorization must be arranged by the author.

Bibliographic Reference System

Maguaré follows the author-date bibliographic reference system espoused by the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, available at This system uses parenthetical references for in-text citation and a list of references at the end of each piece. The information to be included in parentheses is the following: author’s last name, year of publication of the work, and page number. For example: (Benavidez 1998, 125). When citing a work by various authors, the following models are used: two and three authors (Shepsle and Bonchek 2005, 45), and four or more authors (Barnes et al. 2010, 25). When citing an author quoted by another, the following format is used: (Marzal, quoted in Pease 1982, 11-12). The bibliographical reference list shall follow the Chicago Manual of Style system, with the modifications we have made for publications in Spanish. Citation examples may be consulted at, in the section Guidelines for the Presentation of Manuscripts of any issue.

Support file

In this link you can download the commented template for the presentation of articles according to the formal criteria of Maguaré.

Personal Data Processing Policy

Names and email addresses shared with Maguaré will be used exclusively for the declared purpose of the review and will not be available for other intention.