Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on toroidal Besov spaces
Multiplicadores de Fourier operador-valuados sobre espacios de Besov toroidales
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Fourier multipliers, operator-valued symbols, UMD- spaces, toroidal Besov spaces (en)Multiplicadores de Fourier, símbolos operador-valuados, espacios UMD, espacios de Besov toroidales. (es)
We prove in this paper that a sequence M: Zn → L(E) of bounded variation is a Fourier multiplier on the Besov space Bsp, q(Tn, E) for s ∈ R, 1 < p < ∞, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ and E a Banach space, if and only if E is a UMD-space. This extends the Theorem 4.2 in [3] to the n-dimensional case. As illustration of the applicability of this results we study the solvability of two abstract Cauchy problems with periodic boundary conditions.
Operator-valued Fourier multipliers on toroidal Besov spaces
Multiplicadores de Fourier operador-valuados sobre espacios de Besov toroidales
Bienvenido Barraza Martínez, Iván González Martínez, Jairo Hernández Monzón1
1 Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia.,,
We prove in this paper that a sequence M: Zn → L(E) of bounded variation is a Fourier multiplier on the Besov space Bsp, q(Tn, E) for s ∈ R, 1 < p < ∞, 1 ≤ q ≤ 1 and E a Banach space, if and only if E is a UMD-space. This extends the Theorem 4.2 in [3] to the n-dimensional case. As illustration of the applicability of this results we study the solvability of two abstract Cauchy problems with periodic boundary conditions.
Keywords: Fourier multipliers, operator-valued symbols, UMD-spaces, toroidal Besov spaces.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42A45, 47A56.
En el presente artículo se prueba que una sucesión M: Zn → L(E) de variación acotada, es un multiplicador de Fourier sobre el espacio de Besov Bsp, q(Tn, E) para s ∈ R, 1 < p < ∞, 1 ≤ q ≤ 1 y E un espacio de Banach, si y solo si, E es un espacio UMD. Este resultado extiende el Teorema 4.2 en [3] al caso n-dimensional. Como ilustración de la aplicabilidad de este resultado, se estudia la solubilidad de dos problemas de Cauchy abstractos con condiciones de frontera periódicas.
Palabras claves: Multiplicadores de Fourier, símbolos operador-valuados, espacios UMD, espacios de Besov toroidales.
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(Recibido en septiembre de 2015. Aceptado en mayo de 2016)
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1. Duván Cardona, Vishvesh Kumar. (2021). The nuclear trace of periodic vector‐valued pseudo‐differential operators with applications to index theory. Mathematische Nachrichten, 294(9), p.1657.
2. B. Barraza Martínez, R. Denk, J. Hernández Monzón, M. Nendel. (2018). Mapping properties for operator-valued pseudodifferential operators on toroidal Besov spaces. Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 9(3), p.523.
3. Alex Guiñazú, Vicente Vergara. (2021). Fundamental solutions and decay rates for evolution problems on the torus $$\mathbb {T}^n$$. Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 12(3)
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