On monoidal Koszul duality for the Hecke category
Hecke algebra, Hecke category, Soergel bimodules, Koszul duality (en)Álgebra de Hecke, categoría de Hecke, bimódulos de Soergel, dualidad de Koszul (es)
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Bibliografische Angaben herunterladen
CrossRef Cited-by
1. Nicolas Libedinsky. (2022). IntroSurvey of Representation Theory. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 102(3), p.907.
2. Ben Elias, Shotaro Makisumi, Ulrich Thiel, Geordie Williamson. (2020). Introduction to Soergel Bimodules. RSME Springer Series. 5, p.529.
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