

On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks

Mots-clés :

Group representation, Burnside rings, table of marks (en)
Representación de grupos, anillo de Burnside, tabla de marcas (es)



  • Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México
  • Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México
  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia, México
  • Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México

Abstract. Let G and Q be groups with isomorphic tables of marks, and for each subgroup H of G, let H' denote a subgroup of Q assigned to H under an isomorphism between the tables of marks of G and Q. We prove that if H is cyclic/elementary abelian/maximal/the Frattini subgroup/the commutator subgroup, then H' has the same property. However, we give examples where H is abelian and H' is not, and where H is the centre of G and H' is not the centre of Q. For this we construct (using GAP) the smallest example of non-isomorphic groups with isomorphic tables of marks.


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Comment citer


Luis, Ariel, Alberto et Luis. (2009). On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, 43(2), 165–174.


Luis, Ariel, Alberto et Luis 2009. On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas. 43, 2 (juill. 2009), 165–174.


Luis; Ariel; Alberto; Luis. On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks. rev.colomb.mat 2009, 43, 165-174.


LUIS; ARIEL; ALBERTO; LUIS. On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, [S. l.], v. 43, n. 2, p. 165–174, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 févr. 2025.


Luis, Ariel, Alberto, et Luis. 2009. « On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks ». Revista Colombiana De Matemáticas 43 (2):165-74.


Luis, Ariel, Alberto et Luis (2009) « On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks », Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, 43(2), p. 165–174. Disponible à: (Consulté le: 2 février 2025).


Luis, Ariel, Alberto, et Luis, « On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks », rev.colomb.mat, vol. 43, nᵒ 2, p. 165–174, juill. 2009.


Luis, Ariel, Alberto, et Luis. « On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks ». Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, vol. 43, nᵒ 2, juillet 2009, p. 165-74,


Luis, Ariel, Alberto, et Luis. « On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks ». Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 43, no. 2 (juillet 1, 2009): 165–174. Consulté le février 2, 2025.


Luis, Ariel, Alberto, Luis. On some invariants preserved by isomorphisms of tables of marks. rev.colomb.mat [Internet]. 1 juill. 2009 [cité 2 févr. 2025];43(2):165-74. Disponible à:

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