Central quasipolar rings
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Quasipolar ring, central quasipolar ring, clean ring, central clean ring (en)##submission.downloads##
In this paper, we introduce a kind of quasipolarity notion for rings, namely, an element a of a ring R is called central quasipolar if there exists p2 = p ∈ R such that a + p is central in R, and the ring R is called central quasipolar if every element of R is central quasipolar. We give many characterizations and investigate general properties of central quasipolar rings. We determine the conditions that some subrings of upper triangular matrix rings are central quasipolar. A diagonal matrix over a local ring is characterized in terms of being central quasipolar. We prove that the class of central quasipolar rings lies between the classes of commutative rings and Dedekind nite rings, and a ring R is central quasipolar if and only if it is central clean. Further we show that several results of quasipolar rings can be extended to central quasipolar rings in this general setting.
Central quasipolar rings
Anillos casi-polares centrales
Mete B. Calci1, Burcu Ungor1, Abdullah Harmanci2
1 Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey
2 Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
In this paper, we introduce a kind of quasipolarity notion for rings, namely, an element a of a ring R is called central quasipolar if there exists p2 = p ∈ R such that a+p is central in R, and the ring R is called central quasipolar if every element of R is central quasipolar. We give many characterizations and investigate general properties of central quasipolar rings. We determine the conditions that some subrings of upper triangular matrix rings are central quasipolar. A diagonal matrix over a local ring is characterized in terms of being central quasipolar. We prove that the class of central quasipolar rings lies between the classes of commutative rings and Dedekind finite rings, and a ring R is central quasipolar if and only if it is central clean. Further we show that several results of quasipolar rings can be extended to central quasipolar rings in this general setting.
Key words and phrases. Quasipolar ring, central quasipolar ring, clean ring, central clean ring.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16S50, 16S70, 16U99.
En este trabajo, se presenta una noción de un tipo de casi-polaridad en anillos, esto es, un elemento a de un anillo R se dice casi-polar central si existe p2 = p ∈ R tal que a + p es central en R, y el anillo R es llamado casi-polar central si todo elemento de R es casi-polar central. Se dan algunas caracterizaciones y se investigan propiedades generales de los anillos centrales casi-polares. Se determinan las condiciones bajo las cuales algunos subanillos de anillos de matrices triangulares superiores son casi-polares centrales. Una matriz diagonal sobre un anillo local se caracteriza en términos de ser casi-polar central. Se demuestra que la clase de anillos casi-polares centrales se encuentra dentro de la clase de los anillos conmutativos y los anillos finitos de Dedekind, y un anillo R es casi-polar central si es limpio central. Además se muestra que varios resultados de anillos casi-polares se pueden extender a anillos casi-polares centrales en un contexto general.
Palabras y frases clave. Anillo casi-polar, anillo casi-polar central, anillo limpio, anillo limpio central.
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(Recibido en marzo de 2015. Aceptado en octubre de 2015)
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