Filtered-graded transfer of noncommutative Gröbner bases
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Noncommutative Gröbner bases, skew PBW extensions, filtered module, graded module (en)##submission.downloads##
As the case of free k-algebras and PBW algebras, given a bijective skew PBW extension A, we will show that it is possible transfer Gröbner bases between A and its associated graded ring.
Filtered-graded transfer of noncommutative Gröbner bases
Transferencia filtrado-graduado de bases de Gröbner no conmutativas
Claudia Gallego1
1 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
As the case of free k-algebras and PBW algebras, given a bijective skew PBW extension A, we will show that it is possible transfer Gröbner bases between A and its associated graded ring.
Keywords: Noncommutative Gröbner bases; skew PBW extensions; filtered module; graded module.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 16Z05. Secondary: 16W70, 16W50.
Como en el caso de k-álgebras libres y PBW álgebras, dada A una extensión PBW torcida biyectiva, mostraremos que es posible transferir bases de Gröbner entre A y su anillo graduado asociado.
Palabras claves: Bases de Gröbner no conmutativas; extensiones PBW torcidas; módulo filtrado; módulo graduado.
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(Recibido: enero de 2016 Aceptado: febrero de 2015)
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