Minimal prime ideals of skew PBW extensions over 2-primal compatible rings
Ideales primos minimales de extensiones PBW torcidas sobre anillos compatibles 2-primal
DOI: chiave:
Minimal prime ideal, 2-primal ring, unit, skew PBW extension (en)Ideal primo minimal, anillo 2-primal, unidad, extensión PBW torcida (es)
Riferimenti bibliografici
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CrossRef Cited-by
1. Andrés Chacón, María Camila Ramírez, Armando Reyes. (2024). Maps between schematic semi-graded rings. Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry,
2. Sebastián Higuera, Armando Reyes. (2023). On weak annihilators and nilpotent associated primes of skew PBW extensions. Communications in Algebra, 51(11), p.4839.
3. A. Niño, A. Reyes. (2020). Some remarks about minimal prime ideals of skew Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt extensions. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 30(2), p.207.
4. Héctor Suárez, Armando Reyes. (2023). $$\Sigma$$-Semicommutative rings and their skew PBW extensions. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 17(2), p.531.
5. A. Reyes, H. Suárez. (2021). Skew PBW extensions over symmetric rings. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 32(1), p.76.
6. Armando Reyes, Fabio Calderón. (2022). Some interactions between Hopf Galois extensions and noncommutative rings. Universitas Scientiarum, 27(2), p.58.
7. Héctor Suárez, Armando Reyes, Yésica Suárez. (2023). Homogenized skew PBW extensions. Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 12(1), p.247.
8. Sebastián Higuera, María Camila Ramírez, Armando Reyes. (2024). On the Uniform Dimension and the Associated Primes of Skew PBW Extensions. Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series, 55(4)
9. Héctor Suárez, Andrés Chacón, Armando Reyes. (2022). On NI and NJ skew PBW extensions. Communications in Algebra, 50(8), p.3261.
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