Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía, Medellín
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Recibido: 23 de abril de 2017; Aceptado: 12 de agosto de 2017

Biology of Prodiplosis longifila Gagné and population fluctuation in tomato crops sprayed with insecticides

Biología de Prodiplosis longifila Gagné y fluctuación poblacional en cultivos de tomate asperjados con insecticidas

V. Duque, 1M. Manzano, 1E. Rodriguez, 1

Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. A.A. 237, Palmira, Colombia. <> Universidad Nacional de Colombia Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias Universidad Nacional de Colombia Palmira Colombia


Laboratory studies were carried out to determine life history parameters of the bud midge Prodiplosis longifila, a key pest of tomato. P. longifila eggs collected from tomato fields hatched into larvae within 1.2 days average and development time (larva I to adult) was around 14 days at environmental conditions. Sex ratio (male:female) of P. longifila was 1:1.03. Longevity of both male and female P. longifila adults (1.1 days for both of them) increased after sugar feeding. Field trials to determine population fluctuation of P. longifila were conducted in three commercial tomato plots located in Colombia, under calendar-based insecticide treatments. Average numbers of live P. longifila larvae in all plots were higher during the last two weeks of sampling than during the first two. Larvae numbers increased even under insecticide spraying. Larvae numbers increased after flowering, suggesting that adults were attracted to tomato flowers and probably used them as source of sugar. Infestation (%) was positively correlated with average number of larvae/leaf bud, suggesting the potential of this indirect method to monitor P. longifila larvae in tomato. Insecticide sprays, applied to tomato fields to control P. longifila, on a calendar-based regime, did not reduce larvae density.


Damage, Infestation, Longevity, Development time, Sex ratio, Flowering.


Se llevaron a cabo estudios de laboratorio para determinar parámetros de historia de vida del mosquito de las agallas Prodiplosis longifila, una plaga clave del tomate. Huevos de P. longifila colectados en cultivos de tomate eclosionaron, en promedio, en 1,2 días y el tiempo de desarrollo (larva I hasta adulto) fue alrededor de 14 días a condiciones ambientales. La proporción de sexos (macho: hembra) de P. longifila fue de 1:1.03. La longevidad promedia del macho y de la hembra (1,1 días ambas) se incrementaron después de consumir azúcar. Ensayos de campo para determinar la fluctuación poblacional de P. longifila se desarrollaron en tres lotes comerciales de tomate en Colombia bajo aspersiones de insecticidas tipo calendario. Los números promedio de larvas en todos los lotes fueron mayores durante las dos últimas semanas que durante las dos primeras semanas de muestreo. El número de larvas aumentó aún bajo la aspersión de insecticidas. El número de larvas aumentó después de la floración, sugiriendo que los adultos fueron atraídos a las flores de tomate y probablemente las utilizaron como fuente de azúcar. La infestación (%) estuvo correlacionada positivamente con el número promedio de larvas/brote foliar, sugiriendo el potencial de este método indirecto para monitorear larvas de P. longifila en tomate. La aspersión de insecticidas en cultivos de tomate para controlar P. longifila en un esquema basado en el calendario no redujo la densidad de larvas.

Palabras clave:

Daño, Infestación, Longevidad, Tiempo de desarrollo, Proporción de sexos, Floración.

Horticultural production may be attractive to small farmers from developing countries, as it can reduce poverty (Weinberger and Lumpkin, 2007), increase food security (Altieri and Toledo, 2011), diversify diets and reduce micronutrient malnutrition (Tontisirin et al., 2002).

Vegetable farming in developing countries is affected by pests that cause major losses at the commercial level. The farmers control these pests mainly with spraying insecticides on calendar-based regimes, to meet market quality (Wyckhuys et al., 2013). Pesticide traceability is an additional barrier for developing countries to compete in the international fruit and vegetable market (Weinberger and Lumpkin, 2007), as rigorous laws and regulations to control pesticide use are still lacking in these countries (Ecobichon, 2001).

In this context, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae)) is one of the most widely consumed vegetables in the world. The world's production of fresh tomato amounts 141,101,758 tones, grown on 4,250,162 ha (FAO, 2016). Tomato growing in developing countries requires intensive use of insecticides to control severe insect pests (Matthews et al., 2003). In South America, tomato production is limited by several pests, including whiteflies Bemisia tabaci Gennadius and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Cardona et al., 2001), the fruit borer Neoleucinodes elegantalis Guenée (Diaz et al., 2013), the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lietti et al., 2005) and the bud midge Prodiplosis longifila Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae).

Podiplosis longifila has been reported to attack a number of crops in some countries of South America. In Peru it attacks more than fifteen horticultural crops (Diaz-Silva, 2011) including asparagus, tomato, potato, bean and cucurbits (Diaz-Silva, 2011; Goldsmith et al., 2013; Kroschel et al., 2012). In Ecuador P. longifila also attacks several horticultural crops as tomato, potato, soybean, bean, bell pepper (Valarezo et al., 2003). In both countries P. longifila feeds on several plants growing around main crops (Diaz-Silva, 2011; Valarezo et al., 2003). In Colombia P. longifila has been found feeding on tomato, bell pepper and Tahiti lime (Hernandez et al., 2015). Being tomato the main crop damaged by P. longifila and because of the risks posed by importing tomatoes, P. longifila was recently added to the alert list of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO, 2015). In Colombia, P. longifila is widespread over tomato crops and is causing important economic losses (Hernandez et al., 2015). Additionally, P. longifila was a pest in the USA causing economic damage to the flower buds of Tahiti lime (Peña et al., 1989).

P. longifila adults are difficult to see in the field during daylight hours, as they are active at dusk. Females lay their eggs on leaf buds and flowers as well as under the calyx. After egg hatching, larvae undergo three instars before becoming pupae (Gagné, 1994). Larvae suck juices from the epidermal tissues of leaf buds, flowers and small fruits (Hernandez et al., 2015), resulting in damaged fruits with low commercial value (Valarezo et al., 2003). P. longifila larvae are small and difficult to detect under field conditions therefore biological information is required to understand the development of the insect in the crop. Due to the severe damage caused by the insect to tomato crops, the first objective of this research was to study some biological parameters (e.g., development time, sex ratio and adult longevity) of P. longifila under laboratory conditions as these parameters may explain differences in abundance and numerical changes over the crop season contributing to develop pest management strategies. Commercial tomato varieties currently in use are susceptible to P. longifila and resistant varieties are not yet available (Mena et al., 2014). Strategies to control P. longifila, including light traps with sticky yellow panels (Lazarte and Tupes, 2015) and other cultural and mechanical methods (Diaz-Silva, 2011), have been proposed (Kroschel et al., 2012; Goldsmith et al., 2013) and some natural enemies identified (Cedano and Cubas, 2012; Peña et al., 1989; Diaz-Silva, 2011). However, tomato farmers mainly use chemicals to control P. longifila (Valarezo et al., 2003), as evidenced in field surveys carried out in tomato growing areas of Colombia, during 2011 and 2012 (Hernandez, 2014). Therefore, based on the geographical expansion of P. longifila on tomato crops in Colombia (Hernandez et al., 2015), the second objective of this research was to determine the impact of insecticide sprays on P. longifila populations in Colombian commercial tomato fields.


Sampling and identification of Prodiplosis

Larvae of Prodiplosis were sampled in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fields located in El Encanto (Palmira, 03°32’22.7’’N; 76°21’12.7’’W), Valle del Cauca, Colombia. New leaves and reproductive structures showed symptoms of P. longifila damage (Hernandez et al., 2015). Collected material was taken to the laboratory in plastic cages (20x10 x5 cm) containing wet tissue paper to avoid desiccation. Part of the larvae were used for biological studies (see below) and some of them were allowed to develop into adults to confirm the taxonomic identity of the insect. Eggs of Prodiplosis were collected from tomato leaf buds and transported to the laboratory in Petri dishes (5.5 mm x 10 mm) lined with water-wet filter paper. Prodiplosis males were prepared for microscopy mounting (Hernandez et al., 2015) and identified using Gagné’s, (1994) taxonomic keys.

Biology of Prodiplosis longifila

Eggs of Prodiplosis were observed daily, using a microscope (Nikon ZMZ800), until they hatched. To determine development time from larva to adult, first instar larvae of Prodiplosis, collected from the field, were kept on tomato leaf buds, inside air-sealed plastic bags (Valarezo et al., 2003), until larvae reached the third instar, recognizable by their yellow colour and jumping activity. Third instar larvae were transferred to Petri dishes (100 x 15 mm) with wet sterilized screened soil, to allow pupae formation. Petri dishes were sealed with Plastifilm®, to collect emerging adults. Part of the adults were killed in alcohol (75%) to determine sex ratio. Remaining adults (n = 140) were kept alive to determine adult longevity by setting aside individual recently emerged adults inside microcentrifuge tubes (1.5 mL) containing a cotton ball impregnated with a sucrose solution (50% m/v) or just with water as a control. Adult survival was observed every day. Experiments were carried out at 26.2 °C ± 1.34; 61.5 % ± 6.3 RH; 12 L:12 D photoperiod.

Population fluctuation of Prodiplosis longifila in tomato fields

The fluctuation of P. longifila populations was studied in the three commercial tomato plots (planted to “Chonto” and “Cherry” S. lycopersicum cultivars). Plot 1 (3200 m2) had 3800 plants of both “Chonto” and “Cherry" cultivars; plot 2 (3090 m2) had 3678 plants of “Cherry” cultivar and plot 3 (2060 m2) had 2452 plants of “Cherry" cultivar. Plants were planted at standard cropping distances (0.6 m x 1.4 m) and were grown under drip irrigation. Plants received weekly sprays of several insecticides, as per farmer's decision, applied alone or as a mixture, to control tomato pests (spirotetramat against Prodiplosis longifila and Bemisia tabaci; metomil, tiametoxam and lambda-cyhalothrim against Tuta absoluta and Bemisia tabaci; dimetoato against B. tabaci; thiocyclam hidrogenoxalato, clorpirifos and lambda cihalotrina against T. absoluta). Sampling of plots 1, 2 and 3 started 103, 48 and 22 days after planting, respectively. Insect sampling on plot 3 started once the flowering and fruiting periods of plots 1 and 2 had finished. Only plot 1 had flowers and fruits when sampling started. Sampling of plots 2 and 3 started simultaneously and was carried out during six months, until the end of the crop's reproductive period. All crop plots were sampled during the vegetative and reproductive periods. To sample P. longifila larvae, three crop rows were randomly selected, and 10 leaf buds were randomly sampled from each (30/week/tomato plot). The number of leaf buds infested (with live or dead larvae) or damaged by P. longifila (without larvae) were counted. Leaf buds were transported to the laboratory, where the number of P. longifila larvae were counted. Data were used to calculate the average number of larvae per leaf bud; the percentage of larvae infestation (Equation 1) and the percentage of larvae damage (Equation 2) were calculated using Chavez's method (Chavez, 2002). To determine the influence of chemical control on the population dynamics of P. longifila, dates of insecticide sprays (with spirometramat as active ingredient) to control Prodiplosis as well as numbers of live larva/leaf buds were recorded, comparing the initial and final sampling periods. Rainfall influence on average number of P. longifila larvae was studied. Data on daily rainfall at the study site was provided by the Centro de Investigación de la Caña de Azúcar Cenicaña from data collected at the local airport’s meteorological station.

Statistical analysis

As the normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov and the Equal Variance tests failed (P<0.0001), differences between mean values for the immature development time were compared, using the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test. Biological parameters and the number of larvae/leaf bud were expressed as average ± SE (the standard error). Sex and food influence on adult longevity was analysed, using the non-parametric Two-way Analysis of Variance General Linear Model, followed by multiple comparisons (Student-Newman-Keuls Method P<0.05). Field data for larva comparison were transformed to . To determine the effect of insecticide sprays on the survival rate of P. longifila, numbers of live larvae in each tomato plot were counted, comparing initial and final sampling periods, using the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test and t-Test.


Identification and biology of Prodiplosis longifila

The morphology of adults, as described in the keys of Gagné (1994), allowed the taxonomic identification of P. longifila individuals. P. longifila eggs collected from tomato fields hatched into larvae within 1.2 ± 0.12 days (n = 18). Development time (larva I to adult) was 13.98 ± 0.35 days (n = 52). This value was lower (13.98 days) than that (17.25 days) reported by Valarezo et al. (2003) in tomato, probably because these authors used a lower temperature of 24 °C and development time is inversely related to temperature. To compare host plants, the development time we report in tomato is longer than the value (9 days ± 1.63) reported in Tahiti lime by Peña et al. (1989) at 27 °C, 84 ± 2% RH. Results show that P. longifila develops slower in tomato than in Tahiti lime, suggesting that it can potentially become an important pest of Tahiti lime in Colombia, where it was recently reported (Hernandez et al., 2015), as occurred in the USA (Peña and Duncan, 1992).

Sex ratio (male:female) of P. longifila was 1:1.03. P. longifila adult longevity was influenced by food (Non-parametric Two-Way Anova F = 49.010, P<0.0001) but not by insect sex (F=1.015, P=0.317) or by food x insect sex interaction (F=0.403, P=0.5274). The sex ratio of P. longifila found in tomato was different from the male:female sex ratio of 1.53:1 reported by Rodriguez, (1992) in tomato and cited by Goldsmith et al. (2013). The sex ratio of cecidomyiids can be affected by several factors such as genetic mechanisms, differential sex mortality during diapause, mating time close to emergence (Smith et al., 2004) and, sex ratio does not seem to be adjusted in response to host quality (Dorchin and Freidberg, 2004). Studies on three monogenous species (individual females that produce unisexual broods) of gall midges, a population sex ratio of 1:1 was found which was attributed to a ratio of 1:1 between female-producers and male-producers in the population (Dorchin and Freidberg, 2004). However, that study was carried out in gall forming species, which it is not the case for P. longifila.

Longevity of sugar-fed adult insects collected in tomato plots increased significantly, from 1.1 ± 0.05 (n=40) to 3.42 ± 0.32 (n=40) days (Student-Newman-Keuls Method P< 0.05). Sugar intake increased longevity in P. longifila adults, as previously reported by Valarezo et al. (2003) for tomato, and by Peña et al. (1989) for Tahiti lime. Sugar is probably a requirement for egg maturation, as recently emerged adults feed on flowers and other nectar sources (Valarezo et al., 2003). Our results also confirm that tomato flowering attracts P. longifila adults and stimulates oviposition, as larvae density in plots 2 and 3 increased after flowers appeared (Figure 1). The cecidomyiid Dasineura dielsi Rübsaamen was attracted to flowers (probably to the volatiles) of the bush Acacia cyclops (Kotze et al., 2010) and the cecidomyiids Megommata sp. and Resseliella sp. fed on pollen of some Schisandraceae species and cocoa, even acting as pollination agents (Yuan et al., 2008; Thien et al., 2009). In addition to longevity, nectar and pollen probably increase P. longifila fecundity, as has been reported for several insects (Wäckers et al., 2007). Contarinia spp. and other unidentified species of cecidomyiids use flowers as brooding places (Woodcock et al., 2014). The difficulty to reproduce P. longifila in laboratory conditions, that we and other researchers have experienced, is probably due to young tomato plants being flowerless.

Fluctuation of populations of P. longifila in tomato plots sprayed with insecticides; days after planting, expressed as damage (%), infestation (%) and average numbers of larvae/leaf bud (mean ± SD). A. Chonto & Cherry tomato plot 1, B. Cherry tomato plot 2, C. Cherry tomato plot 3.

Figure 1: Fluctuation of populations of P. longifila in tomato plots sprayed with insecticides; days after planting, expressed as damage (%), infestation (%) and average numbers of larvae/leaf bud (mean ± SD). A. Chonto & Cherry tomato plot 1, B. Cherry tomato plot 2, C. Cherry tomato plot 3.

Population dynamics of Prodiplosis longifila in tomato plots

Figure 1 shows the fluctuation of P. longifila populations among the three tomato plots studied. Larvae of P. longifila were present until the end of the cropping season. The highest average number of larvae/leaf bud was 21.3 ± 2.7 for plot 1C, and the lowest was 7.6 ± 1.8 for plot 1B. An intermediate value of 13.7 ± 2.9 was found for plot 1A. In plots 1B and 1C, larvae of P. longifila were absent during the first seven weeks of sampling but they appeared after flowering. In plot 1B, average values of larvae/leaf bud increased from 0.5 to 2.2, two weeks before and two weeks after flowering, respectively. Average weekly rainfall in plots 1A, 1B and 1C was 0.705, 1.240 and 2.954 mm, respectively.

Correlation values between the different measured variables are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Correlation between the different variables measured for Prodiplosis longifila larvae in tomato plots sprayed with insecticides.

Results on the fluctuation of P. longifila larvae populations showed a positive correlation between damage (%) and infestation (%), and between average numbers of larvae/leaf bud and damage (%), which suggests that damage (%) could be the basis to develop an indirect method to monitor the presence of P. longifila in tomato fields. There is some concern, however, that the damage to leaflets on plot 1, where P. longifila sampling started late in the season (103 DAT), may be old, which could probably account for the low correlation between damage (%) and infestation (%) on plot 1 (Pearson value = 0.673). Concerning climatic conditions, rainfall is a variable associated with the presence/absence of P. longifila in Colombia, as it could produce larva drop-off from leaves (Hernandez et al., 2013) and reduction of P. longifila populations (Valarezo et al., 2003). This effect, however, was not found in this study, probably because insecticide sprays masked its influence.

In all plots, average numbers of live larvae (n=60 leaf bud samples/plot) were higher at the last two weeks of sampling than at the first two weeks: 2.25 ± 0.1976 vs. 1.10 ± 0.0789 for plot 1 (Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test T = 2866.5, P<0.0001), 1.975 ± 0.1871 vs. 0.906 ± 0.0599 for plot 2 (t = -5.44, 118 df, P<0.0001) and 2.587 ± 0.2814 vs. 0.724 ± 0.0121 (Mann-Whitney Rank Sum Test T = 2791.0, P<0.0001). Insecticide sprays did not reduce the number of larvae, even if sprays were maintained until the end of the sampling period, as in plot 1C (Figure 1).

As expected, calendar-based insecticide spray applications, carried out even when larvae density was low, did not reduce larvae number. Paradoxically, larvae increased after sprays. Even in plot 1A, where sprays stopped 165 days after transplanting (DAT), 12 larva/leaf bud were recorded at the end of the cropping season (on day 190), a value close to the average number (13.7) recorded during the whole cropping season, suggesting the practically null effect insecticides had on larvae density. Likewise, in plot 1C, the average number of larvae/leaf bud increased from zero (64 DAT) to 20 (120 DAT), even after 8 applications of spirometramat.

Our results show that calendar-based insecticide sprays do not hamper the development of P. longifila larvae populations. On the contrary, the insects remained in the area and dispersed to new plots. The average numbers (7.6, 13.7 and 21.3 larvae/leaf bud) of P. longifila larvae found were higher than the average values (7.2 and 0.15 larvae/leaf bud) reported by Chavez, (2002) and Mena et al. (2014), respectively, for unsprayed tomato plots. Chavez, (2002) used the tomato hybrids “Bingo” and “Heatwave” and Mena et al. (2014) tested “Unapal-Maravilla”, a tomato cultivar susceptible to P. longifila. Because commercial tomato cultivars resistant to P. longifila are not yet available, as resistance traits are still being explored on wild tomato accessions (Mena et al., 2012), tomato cultivars used in our experiments may partially explain the variation of larvae population density of P. longifila.

Spirometramat was expected to reduce larvae density, because of its plant systemic activity (Brück et al., 2009), but as this did not occur, the resistance of P. longifila to spirometramat should be studied, considering that resistance of tomato pests, such as whiteflies and Tuta absoluta, to insecticides has been documented.

It is remarkable that the parasitoids Synopeas spp. (Hymenoptera: Platygasteridae) were not recovered from any larvae of P. longifila during the field study, as occurred in an unsprayed experimental tomato plot set at the same geographical area (Hernandez, 2014), probably due to insecticide spraying. Spirometramat, however, has been reported to be compatible with some parasitoid species (Garcerá et al., 2013; Vanaclocha et al., 2013); although it reduced the longevity of Microplitis mediator (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae; Moens et al., 2012), and farmers also sprayed other pesticides during our study. Species of Synopeas parasitize P. longifila feeding on different crops (Peña et al., 1989; Valarezo et al., 2003; Diaz-Silva, 2011).


Biological information obtained about P. longifila in tomato revealed that eggs hatched into larvae within 1.2 days and development time (larva I to adult) was around 14 days at laboratory conditions. Sugar feeding increased the longevity of P. longifila adults. Our results indicated that spraying spirometramat on tomato fields did not control P. longifila populations. P. longifila resistance to spirometramat should also be further studied. It is, therefore, urgent to develop and implement an integrated pest management (IPM) program for this pest. Infestation (%) was positively correlated with average number of larvae/leaf bud, suggesting the potential of this indirect method to monitor P. longifila larvae in tomato. Management practices should be intensified after tomato flowering when adults are attracted to the crop, P. longifila larva populations increase and in around two weeks a new generation of adults will be developed.


The authors would like to thank Gustavo Cataño for allowing us to conduct field trials in his tomato plots. This research was funded by Universidad Nacional de Colombia (HERMES 19094). Two anonymous reviewers are thanked for their valuable comments.


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