Fundamentos para una política nacional en Biotecnología
Foundations for a Colombian Biotechnology policy
Palabras clave:
Gestión tecnológica, biotecnología, investigación y desarrollo, integración, industria (es)Technological management, biotechnology, research and development, integration, industry (en)
Globalisation has created challenges for industry related to the constant need for improving national and international productivity and competitivity. Biological knowledge today has growing industrial application as it proposes innovative production methods. This type of biotechnology is becoming more relevant in Colombia's economic and social development all the time. The Colombian Ministry of Development, Colciencias and the National University of Colombia have therefore been jointly developing an integral set of guidelines. These are framed within Colombia's biotechnology policy to create concrete goals, objectives, strategies and direct action from the State, academic institutions and the business world. They encompass six fundamental approaches: markets and management; normativity and legislation; research and development (R&D); economic resources; human resources; and integration training. They al so explicitly raise the question of who shall be responsible for follow-up and the way that the policy's execution and achievements will be evaluated.
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Derechos de autor 2001 Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología

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