Formatos para autores y evaluadores
- Carta presentación de documento
- Código de Ética
- Manual para Autores
- Política Editorial
- Flujograma Editorial
The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología only publishes original articles, mainly contributions from research and development (R&D) in biotechnology’s diverse areas, as well as technical articles not necessarily orientated towards proving hypotheses (i.e. technical descriptions of methods). Brief notes will also be accepted, such as reports concerning significant work having short-term objectives. |
Statement of Ethics and Good Practice
The editorial board of the Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología is committed to high standards of ethics and good practice in the dissemination and knowledge transfer to ensure scientific rigor and quality. That is why it has taken as reference the Code of Conduct for editors of scientific journals, has established the Ethics Committee Publications (COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics) within which it stands: General duties and responsibilities of Editors Editors should be responsible for everything published in their journals. They should:
Relations with readers Readers should be informed about who has funded research and on the role of the funders in the research. Relations with authors The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología is committed to ensuring the quality of material published, reporting on the goals and standards of the journal. The decisions of publishers to accept or reject a paper for publication are based solely on the relevance of the work, originality and relevance of the study with regard to the editorial line of the journal. Relations with reviewers The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología offers evaluators guidance on what is expected of them. The identity of the evaluators is protected at all times, ensuring their anonymity. The peer-review process
Encouraging academic integrity Protecting individual data. The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología guarantees the confidentiality of individual information (eg, teachers and / or students as collaborators or participants study subjects in the research presented). Seguimiento de malas prácticas
Ensuring the integrity of the academic record Editors should not simply reject papers that raise concerns about possible misconduct. They are ethically obliged to pursue alleged cases. Editors should first seek a response from those accused. If they are not satisfied with the response, they should ask the relevant employers or some appropriate body (perhaps a regulatory body) to investigate. Relationships with owners and journals editors. Conflict of interest.
Complaints / allegations. Any author, reader, reviewer or editor can submit their complaints to the competent bodies. |
Each submitted manuscript is initially subject to evaluation specialist editor (first filter), followed by sending request for review to at least 4-6 possible reviewers (one- assigned three days after submitting the manuscript), then it is evaluation of at least two (2) national and international academic peers. Reviewers will have a maximum of four weeks to evaluate the manuscript. Based on the responses received from reviewers, the editor will make a decision within ten days. Authors should address the comments made by reviewers in a period not exceeding 30 working days via the response form to the editor. The corrected items will be returned to the publisher for this send comments. Once accepted article by the editor, the edited version is reviewed for English, Spanish and use before undergoing the process diagramming and editing end (20 days). Authors should return end editing corrections within 8 business days. The author must approve linguistic style and suggestions. A final editing is done, the author may not submit more amendments to the text. Normally, the items will be published "first in line" within 20 to 30 days from the date of acceptance by the magazine. Reviewers should have international publications on the subject and doctorate degree to be selected.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge .
The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología only publishes original articles, mainly contributions from research and development (R&D) in biotechnology’s diverse areas, as well as technical articles not necessarily orientated towards proving hypotheses (i.e. technical descriptions of methods). Brief notes will also be accepted, such as reports concerning significant work having short-term objectives. |
Statement of Ethics and Good Practice
The editorial board of the Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología is committed to high standards of ethics and good practice in the dissemination and knowledge transfer to ensure scientific rigor and quality. That is why it has taken as reference the Code of Conduct for editors of scientific journals, has established the Ethics Committee Publications (COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics) within which it stands: General duties and responsibilities of Editors Editors should be responsible for everything published in their journals. They should:
Relations with readers Readers should be informed about who has funded research and on the role of the funders in the research. Relations with authors The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología is committed to ensuring the quality of material published, reporting on the goals and standards of the journal. The decisions of publishers to accept or reject a paper for publication are based solely on the relevance of the work, originality and relevance of the study with regard to the editorial line of the journal. Relations with reviewers The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología offers evaluators guidance on what is expected of them. The identity of the evaluators is protected at all times, ensuring their anonymity. The peer-review process Complaints Encouraging academic integrity Protecting individual data. The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología guarantees the confidentiality of individual information (eg, teachers and / or students as collaborators or participants study subjects in the research presented). Seguimiento de malas prácticas Ensuring the integrity of the academic record Editors should not simply reject papers that raise concerns about possible misconduct. They are ethically obliged to pursue alleged cases. Editors should first seek a response from those accused. If they are not satisfied with the response, they should ask the relevant employers or some appropriate body (perhaps a regulatory body) to investigate. Relationships with owners and journals editors. Conflict of interest. Complaints / allegations. Any author, reader, reviewer or editor can submit their complaints to the competent bodies. |
The Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología, uses a frequency publishing twice a year , ie two numbers per volume per year
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Instituto de Biotecnología
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Instituto de Biotecnología
Los revisores tendrán como máximo cuatro semanas para evaluar el manuscrito y los criterios a evaluar son: solidez y coherencia científica, contribuir con nuevo conocimiento y/o demostrar novedad metodológica, presentar los temas de forma clara y concisa, tener una discusión pertinente y actualizada, uso de referencias acorde con el tema desarrollado y tener conclusiones que contribuyan al avance de la investigación en el tema tratado
Revista Colombiana de Biotecnología. Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Instituto de Biotecnología. Edificio Manuel Ancizar Ed. No. 224. Teléfono: 3165000 ext 16981 Fax: 3165415 Bogotá, Colombia
ISSN Impreso: 0123-3475
ISSN En línea: 1909-8758
DOI: 10.15446/rev.colomb.biote
IBN PublindexPublindex is a Colombian bibliographic index for classifying, updating, rating and certifying scientific and technological publications. It is recognised by COLCIENCIAS and ICFES in Colombia. | |
Directory of Open Access JournalsDOAJ increases the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, aims to be comprehensive and cover all that journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. It's a one stop shop for users of OA Journals. | |
SciELO ColombiaSciELO Colombia is a virtual library for Latin-America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, which was created by FAPESP in 1997 in Sao Pablo, Brazil. It is currently being managed in Colombia by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. | |
REDIBThis is a web page providing open access to Spanish and Latin-American electronic journals. It was created in Spain. | |
LatindexLatindex is the product of cooperation by a network of Latin-American institutions operating in a coordinated way to gather and disseminate bibliographic information about serialised scientific publications produced in the region. | |
RedalycRedalyc stands for the Latin-American, Caribbean, Spanish and Portuguese Scientific journals’ Network (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal) sponsored by the Universidad Autónoma in México. | |
DialnetDialnet is a webpage for disseminating Spanish-speaking scientific production; it began operating in 2001. It specializes in human and social sciences. Its open access database was created by the Universidad de La Rioja (Spain). |