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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission format is Microsoft Word (we do not accept PDF) and comply with the criteria available in Rules for authors.
  • The submission neither has not been published yet nor has been sent to another journal (we remind you tha we can use Turnitin tool to confirm the text originality)
  • The first pages of the document contains: title in Spanish and English, information of the authors (email and academic affiliation), abstract in Spanish and English, keywords in Spanish and English separated by semicolons. In addition, at the end it contains a list of references cited in APA. If it is a review, it must not have an abstract or keywords, but the title must correspond to the APA citation of the book reviewed.
  • In case of approval, you agree we hold the rights of the first publication of your article and with the terms of 2.5 Colombian Creative Commons Licence. In case of rejection, you agree that Ciencia Política file your article in its historical memory archives only with the porpouse of store it and nothing else.

Author Guidelines

Ciencia Política (CP) only takes under its consideration unpublished well-prepared manuscripts, ethically outline and relevant to the development of the knowledge of Political Science studies. We have a special interest in articles that provides investigation results, bibliographic revisions, or theoretical reflections. Likewise, analytic reviews of books are welcome. Permanently, we receive investigations for Other Research and reviews for Recensions. If you like to submit an article to the Central Theme of CP, you shall go to the “Call for paper and Announcements” menu on our OJS portal: For submission, you shall follow the subsequent instructions.

Manuscript Formatting for First Review

It is highly desirable to submit an article in the right formatting. This will be the first thing to evaluate by the Editorial Team. If the manuscript does not fulfil these outlines, it will be sent back to the authors for they to make proper corrections.

  1. Manuscripts shall be sent in .docx format (Microsoft Office Word™).
  2. It must have a main descriptive title between 10 and 20 words in its original language, Spanish and English. The title should not be written with all capital letters. The main title shouldn’t be numbered. It is advisable to number subtitles within the article with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3), without mixing letters with numbers and without using these types of characters: “i, ii, iii”.
  3. In the first page, you should include your complete name, your current institutional affiliation, e-mail (institutional one) and ORCID identifier. Also, you should mention if the article is part of a research project of if it has been financed (include title of the project, group number or institution).
  4. The second page shall include a descriptive abstract written in the third person. You should translate your abstract to English and Spanish. Abstracts must give an account of the structure of the article (central objective, methodology and conclusions reached). They must not exceed 200 words and must include a maximum of 7 keywords in English and Spanish.[1]
  5. The extension shall be between 7000 and 12 000 words, including abstracts and a list of references.
  6. Font should be 12 points for text and 11 points for indented cites and footnotes. Everything should be double-spaced (including text, footnotes, references, figures, graphics, and tables).
  7. Identification and the bibliographic reference of the graphic components, such as tables, graphs, photographs and illustrations should be easy to understand.[2] If they are from your authorship, you should indicate it. If the image has reproduction restrictions, you must request authorization and send us the documentation that shows the copyright agreement. Graphic pieces must follow this format:

Table 1. Graphic example.

Information 1

Comparation 1

Results 1

Data 1

Data 3

Data 5

Data 2

Data 4

Data 6

Note. In this space you can describe the context of the graphic piece, abbreviations, references such as author and elaboration date. If you are the author of the piece, you shall indicate it. Also, you can display complementary information.

This formatting can be used for graphics, images, diagrams and so on. Remember thar CP does not use annexes. All the information must be in the body of the text.

  1. Footnotes are only used for supplementing information, briefly explaining, or commenting an idea. No reference should be included in footnotes. Arabic numerals should be used, not asterisks or letters.
  2. The manuscript should be under the American Psychological Association (APA) citation system. Following APA, the manuscript must avoid ibíd., id., cf., cit. en., op. cit. The list of reference must be in alphabetic order. If there are several works by the same author, they must be arranged chronologically and differentiated with letters (a, b, c…) in case of having the same year of publication. Down below you will find citation examples that are common in CP.

The documents must be sent fulfilling the previous criteria through the button “Submit an article”. OJS portal offers the possibility of following the article review process, making comments and opening discussions with the editor, as well as free access to all CP content. The portal requests some metadata of the article and personal data for strict use of communication with the Editorial Team.

Citation Criteria

You may check APA guide by University of Alberta in case of doubt:

All textual and indirect citations must be properly referenced even if they are from your authorship. Do not include non-cited material in the list of references. When they exceed 40 words, the cite must be indented (block quote). In these citations, quotation marks or italics are not used (if the quotation is in a different language, italics must be used). The original punctuation of the citation is placed before the parentheses.

Parenthetical citations must follow Authors-Date system: (Author, year, pages). If the citation is indirect, the expression “as cited in” must be added; example: (Monclús, as cited in Mariño, 1996, p. 11).

Bibliographic review articles must have more than 50 references to be considered as such. These types of articles usually have many electronic citations, so it is recommended to check the links before submitting the article and include DOI whenever possible. Reflection and research articles must cite at least 15 references.

[T3] Example of common references in CP

  1. Books

Agamben, G. (2006). La comunidad que viene [Trans. J. L. Villacañas]. Madrid: Pre-textos. Citation: (Agamben, 2006).

Foucault, M. (2007). ¿Qué es la crítica? In Sobre la Ilustración (pp. 3-52). Madrid: Tecnos. Citation: (Foucault, 2007).

Gómez, S., Moore, C. y Múnera, L. (Eds.). (2018). Los saberes múltiples y las ciencias sociales y políticas (Vol. II). Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Citation: (Gómez, Moore y Múnera, 2018).

Pecheny, M. (2010). Political Agents or Vulnerable Victims? Framing Sexual Rights as Sexual Health in Argentina. In Aggleton, P. y Parker, R. (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality, health and rights (pp. 359-369). New York: Routledge. DOI: Citation: (Pecheny, 2010).

Comité de América Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer, CLADEM Paraguay. (2008). Contexto Nacional. Retrieved from** Citation: the first time: Comité de América Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (CLADEM, 2008). The following: (ClADEM, 2008).

* It is important to indicate the name of the translator of any book who is not edited in its original language. If authors by their own means translate any given quotations, it has to be credited within the parenthesis as follows: (Agamben, 2006, p. 34, translation is mine).

** You use “retrieve from” only in cases in which the web page update constantly its content (Sánchez, 2020a). It is recommended to add DOI including “https” for the link to work.

  1. Journal

Cano, C., Escobar, J., Pérez, R. y Silva, S. (2021). Proyectos valiosos: emociones políticas en la pandemia. Ciencia Política, 16(31), 157-179. DOI: Citation: first time, all the names, followings: (Cano, et al., 2021).

  1. Newsletters

Gardeazábal, J. (septiembre 12, 2001). Miedo, la cuota del patriotismo. El Espectador. Citation: (Gardeazábal, 2001).

Lilian Soto a favor del aborto y el matrimonio igualitario en Paraguay. (April/May, 2013). Ultima hora. Retrieved from Citation: (“Lilian Soto a favor”, 2013).

* When the reference has no date: n.d.

  1. Interviews

Since it is often to see interviews in CP’s articles, we consider valuable to explain how to cite them correctly.  Interviews may have information retrievable from online or print sources (published audios, transcripts, etc.). But very often interviews were outline for the research and have not been publish by any means. In this latter case, it is advisable to consider this work as a personal communication and, for that reason, is not necessary to add it to the list of references. Nevertheless, it is recommended explain the interview methodology as well as the authorization for publish the information. Parenthetical citations should be included with the names, pseudonyms or initials of the person interviewed to identify different sources. The same indented citation rules should be used starting at 40 words and in quotation marks when lower.

If the interview does have some means by which the readers can retrieve the content, it must follow the citation format of a web page, journal, or book (Sánchez, 2020b).

Example: Escobar, J. (21 de marzo de 2020). ¿Cómo llegar a ser independiente? / Interview by Santiago Mateo Roa. Revista Azul de América. htttp:// Citation: (Escobar, 2020).

  1. Conferences

Bareiro, L. y Echauri, C. (junio, 2009). Mecanismos para el cambio político. Sistemas electorales y representación política de las mujeres. Work document presented in Encuentro de Mujeres parlamentarias de América Latina y el Caribe, España, Madrid. Citation: (Bareiro y Echauri, 2009).

  1. Thesis

Aureano, G. (1998). La construction politique du toxicomane dans l’argentine post-autoritaire. Un cas de citoyenneté à basse intensité. (PhD. Disertation). Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.

  1. Laws

Colombian laws must follow this format:

Law or Colombian ordinance: Organism who rule the law. (Day, month, year). Law Title. [number]. DO: [Oficial Journal]. Example: Congreso de la República de Colombia. (29, January, 2003). Disposiciones sobre regímenes pensionales. [Ley 797 de 2003]. DO: 45079. Citation: (Ley 797, 3003).

Article from a law format: Organism who rule the law (day, month, year). Article. [Number and title]. Law Title. [Law number]. DO:. Example: Congreso de la República de Colombia. (9, Apil, 2003). Reglamentación del artículo 58. Ley 794 de 2003. [Decreto 890 de 2003]. DO: 45155.


[1] We recommend keywords different from the main title. They should be part of UNESCO, the International Labor Organization (ILO), or the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) thesauri to give greater visibility to the article and facilitate the search.

[2] These pieces must be sent in a separate file listed in order of appearance. A resolution higher than 300 dpi is recommended for images to be published.

Section Policies

Tema Central

En el "Tema Central" de la revista Ciencia Política incluye artículos relacionados con un tema específico elegido previamente por el Comité Editorial. Normalmente se realiza una convocatoria con información concreta sobre el tema de esta sección. Dicha convoctoria puede ser encontrada en la sección "Avisos" de este portal.

Otras Investigaciones

Esta sección recoge todo tipo de artículos de investigación relacionados con las ciencias políticas. La convocatoria para la recepción de estos textos es permanente. Recibimos artículos todo el año y los agendamos según nuestro cronograma de publicación. Esta sección es mejor conocida como la sección "misecélanea" de la revista, porque incluye un gran espectro de investigaciones. 


Las traducciones deben tener la autorización del autor del texto original o de la casa editorial que lo publicó. Esta autorización se debe hacer explícita, pues se publicará en un pie de página del documento. Sin importar cuál es el sistema de citación orginal, las traducciones deben ajustarse a las normas APA. También es necesario que se consignen todos los datos bibliográficos pertinentes del texto original. 


Esta sección recibe reseñas, artículos cortos, comentarios de textos, memoriales, homenjaes y demás textos de corta extensión que no hayan sido publicados previamente. Estos documentos no deben superar las 2500 palabras, deben estar en fuente Times New Roman, tamaño 12 a espacio sencillo.

La reseña debe llevar por título los datos bibliográficos del libro reseñado en formato APA, lo que implica que se debe incluir: nombres de los autores del texto reseñado, año de publicación, título, ciudad, casa editorial y el número de páginas totales. Los autores o autoras de las reseñas deben consignar su nombre completo, correo institucional y filiación institucional reciente en un pie de página anclado a su nombre.

Tenga en cuenta que la revista Ciencia Política solo recibe reseñas de libros que no sobrepasen uno o dos años de anterioridad al número de la revista a la que se postulan. Se apreciarán las reseñas más recientes. 

Los comentarios de texto, memoriales, homenajes y demás, también deben citar las referencias que empleen siguiendo las normas APA. Se apreciarán los textos que tengan más relación con las temáticas centrales de los números a publicar. 

Se considera artículo corto un texto igual o menor a las 4 000 palabras en el que se discute de forma crítica y coherente un tema o autor. Estos artículos suelen contar con una bibliografía corta y suelen ser una reflexión divulgativa sobre cuestiones actuales o de larga tradición. No se evaluan por pares, pero sí son revisados por el Comité Editorial. Deben ser inéditos.

Personal Data Processing Policy

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.