Information for authors

We remind you that Ciencia Política (CP) has no cost to its collaborators. The process of receiving articles, reviewing, corrections and publication is free and the journal is open to the public in digital format.

The following are links which download valuable information for authors who are interested in submit an article:

Guidelines for authors

Editorial policy: Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Ciencia Pol´ítica journal follows the APA style for quotation. The following links contain detailed information on how to cite all types of documents and are used by the editors of the journal to make corrections in the articles:

Examples of APA Style in Spanish

APA Style Manual of Universidad Externado de Colombia*

CP Style: Guidelines for authors

*This Manual includes information about how to quote laws, decrees and acts in the Colombian Constitution. Ciencia Política follows the suggestions of the Manual in that matter. 

We also invite the authors to create an ORCID or a Google Scholar profile for easy identificacion of their papers and such. 

ORCID Registration

You can submmit yout document through: Submmit a document. If you are not yet register, please follow the steps to do so. Remember that this process is free and the information provided by you it will only be used for our comunication.