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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text has not been previously published or sent to a journal other than Forma y Función. Neither will it be submitted simultaneously to Forma y Función and another journal. In the case of translations, it is necessary to attach a letter in which the author(s) and editor(s) of the text authorizes(e) its publication in another language.
  • The file sent is in.doc, or .docx format
  • The text complies with the requirements set forth in the Guidelines for Authors and in the Commented Guide for the Presentation of Articles.
  • If the document is published, publishing rights will be transferred to Forma y Función.
  • There is an agreement with: 1) Open access principles, and 2) the Creative Commons License used by Forma y Función
  • If the text uses special characters, a copy of the text is attached in a file with a .pdf extension. If this requirement does not apply to your text, check the box.

  • If the body of the text includes statistical graphs, original editable files with .xls or .xlsx extensions supporting those graphs have been attached. If this requirement does not apply to your text, check the box.
  • If the body of the text includes other graphic elements such as photographs or maps, original files in .jpg or .tiff format should be attached. The optimal resolution should be at least 1.100 x 860 pixels in order to guarantee their quality. Otherwise, it might be necessary to remove them. If this requirement does not apply to your text, check the box.

Author Guidelines

Submission of work for consideration by Forma y Función indicates acceptance of the following conditions and guidelines.

  • Originality and exclusivity. The text is unpublished and not has been previously submitted to another journal.
  • Language. The text must be written in Spanish or English
  • Ethical commitment. The authors must comply with the ethical guidelines and best practices adopted by Forma y Función.
  • Evaluation. Acceptance of the evaluation issued by the peer evaluators assigned by the Editorial Committee of Forma y Función
  • The proposal must be through our platform (watch the following video for more information: and contain the following documents:
    • The proposed text as digital file (.doc, or .docx ). The document must comply with the following guidelines: 
      • FIRST PAGE

        • Title in the original language.
        • Author’s (Authors') pen name(s) (the name used in all of his/her/their publications).
        • ORCID ID
        • Institutional affiliation of the author(s).
        • Author’s (Authors') e-mail address (es), in a footnote indicated by an asterisk.
        • If the article is the result of a research project, a progress report thereof, or a project financed by an institution, relevant information, such as name of the institution and project, code, dates of execution, etc., must be included in a footnote indicated by two asterisks. If the institution or the research topic is widely known by an acronym, please include the latter in parentheses.
        • In case the article does not derive from a research project, please include the context in which it arose in a footnote indicated by two asterisks.
        • Acknowledgments and clarifications may be included in a footnote indicated by three asterisks.

        • An abstract of no more than 150 words in the language of the text. The abstract should concisely describe the contents of the article, highlighting its relevance and the most important aspects of each one of its sections. In the case of research projects, abstracts should include project objectives, theories and methods taken into account, most relevant and innovative observations deriving from the results obtained, and conclusions drawn. Abstracts of theoretical reflection and review articles should include purpose, theses argued for or contents set forth, summary of the main arguments, and conclusions.
        • A minimum of five and a maximum of seven keywords, preferably descriptors included in specialized thesauri, should be included.

        • The maximum extension of the document must not exceed 8000 words, including bibliography and abstract.
        • Use Times New Roman font type, 12-point size.
        • Line spacing should be 1.5.
        • Text alignment should be justified.
        • Pages should not be numbered.
        • Avoid blank spaces between paragraphs.
        • Use Arabic numerals for footnotes.
        • The document should not include ornamental elements, such as templates, page borders, frames, or institutional logos. Colors should not be used to highlight text; only the use of CAPITALS, italics or boldface is allowed for this purpose.
        • Section titles should be flush left and their level indicated with numerals (for example: 1, 1.1, 2, 2.1, 2.1.1, etc.).
        • If special characters are used, they must be inserted according to the Times New Roman character map.
        • Linguistic examples with juxtaposed glossing should be formatted as tables so that the words in the examples appear in different columns. Separation by means of tabs or spaces should be avoided.
        • If abbreviations are used, their explanation must be included at the end of the document, after the reference list.
        • Tables should be duly numbered, titled, and mentioned in the body of the text as «Table». Titles should be centered above the table. If necessary, cite the source of the table. In no case should tables be inserted as images; they must be created with a word processor as they need to be editable.
        • Figures should be duly numbered, labeled, and mentioned in the body of the text as «Figure». Captions should be centered below the figure. If necessary, cite the source of the figure.
        • We recommend that you download the Guide, which contains a formatted template including the above-mentioned instructions. 

        • Forma y Función uses the citation and bibliography system of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), seventh edition. Therefore, footnotes should not be used for bibliographic citation. If you are using a bibliography generator, make sure to convert the reference section of the article into static text; do not use automatic insertion of quotes in the body of the text. We recommend consulting the following link for examples:
    • Annexed digital files:
      • If the text makes use of special sources: copy of the text in.pdf format. 
      • If the body of the text contains statistical charts: original editable files that support these charts with .xls or. xlsx extensions.
      • If the body of the text contains other graphics such as photographs or maps: original files with .jpg or .tiff extensions. The optimal resolution of these elements must be at least 1,100 x 860 pixels to guarantee quality of the printed and digital media. Otherwise, it should be changed or removed.
      • For translations of already published texts: a letter of authorization by the authors and original editors so the text can be published in a new version.

The following documents must be consulted to verify compliance with the requirements:

Suggested peer reviewer
With the proposal, we ask authors to send as well the contact information of an academic (he/she might be part of the group of authors or not) with doctoral degree in language sciences, hoping that this person participates as a peer reviewer of any other manuscript submitted for its publication on Forma y Función.

Unless the editorial team determines that the academic profile does not fit to the subject area of any of the manuscripts under review, the recommendation of this peer reviewer, with a real and effective disposition to collaborate with the editorial roles of the journal, is a requirement for starting the editorial process of the proposed article.

It must be clear that the participation of the suggested peer reviewer does not guarantee the publication of the manuscript submitted by the authors. Approval and publication of submitted manuscripts depends exclusively from the results of the evaluation process by the reviewers and the disposition of the authors to attend opportunely the requests of the editors.

The requirement to propose a peer reviewer responds to the commitment we request from the authors in the viability and sustainability of a scientific publication that does not require any payment for the processing, publication or consultation of its contents.

Authors who have participated in the evaluation of an article for our journal during the year prior to the submission of the proposal may be exempted from this requirement.

Section Policies


The texts in this section belong to one of the following categories:

  • Article of scientific and technological research: A detailed presentation of original research projects. The structure generally used contains an introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results and conclusions.
  • Article of reflection: Presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
  • Review article: Research which analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research to report advances and trends in a scientific field.


This section contains texts translated from other languages, which can be: previously published articles (in any of the above categories), with authorization for the publication of the new version; or translations of stories originally produced in native languages.

Personal Data Processing Policy

The names and email addresses that are part of Forma y Función’s data bases are used exclusively for the declared purposes of the Journal and are not made available for any other purpose or person. Forma y Función will maintain confidentiality of authors’ and evaluators’ personal information throughout the editorial process.