Discursos intolerantes na internet: o caso brasileiro do ranking sexual da Universidade de São Paulo
Intolerant Speech on the Internet: The Brazilian Case of Sexual Ranking at the University of Sao Paulo
Discursos intolerantes en internet: el caso brasileño del ranking sexual de USP
discursos intolerantes, julgamento moral, polêmica, práticas sociais, ranking sexual, Foucault, Maingueneau. (pt)intolerant discourses, moral judgment, controversy, social practices, sexual ranking, Foucault, Maingueneau. (en)
discursos intolerantes, juicio moral, polémica, prácticas sociales, ranking sexual, Foucault, Maingueneau (es)
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1. Muhammad Ismail Hasan, Asrul Mahjuddin Ressang Aminuddin, Hazrina Haja Bava Mohidin, Sarly Adre Sarkum. (2023). SOCIABILITY AS LOCALITY ASPECT IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITY STUDENT HOUSING: SPACES, ACTIVITIES, AND RULES. ALAM CIPTA International Journal Of Sustainable Tropical Design & Practice, 16(2), p.32. https://doi.org/10.47836/AC.16.2.PAPER04.
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