

Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150


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Ramírez Cruz, H. (2006). Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150. Forma y Función, (19), 201–207.


Ramírez Cruz, H. 2006. Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150. Forma y Función. 19 (jan. 2006), 201–207.


Ramírez Cruz, H. Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150. Forma. func. 2006, 201-207.


RAMÍREZ CRUZ, H. Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150. Forma y Función, [S. l.], n. 19, p. 201–207, 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 jan. 2025.


Ramírez Cruz, Héctor. 2006. “Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150”. Forma Y Función, nº 19 (janeiro):201-7.


Ramírez Cruz, H. (2006) “Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150”, Forma y Función, (19), p. 201–207. Disponível em: (Acessado: 26 janeiro 2025).


H. Ramírez Cruz, “Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150”, Forma. func., nº 19, p. 201–207, jan. 2006.


Ramírez Cruz, H. “Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150”. Forma y Función, nº 19, janeiro de 2006, p. 201-7,


Ramírez Cruz, Héctor. “Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150”. Forma y Función, no. 19 (janeiro 1, 2006): 201–207. Acessado janeiro 26, 2025.


Ramírez Cruz H. Dell Hymes, (1996) ‘Report from an Underdeveloped Country: Toward Linguistic Competence in The United States’ En Current Issues in Linguistic Theory (Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics, Vol. 125). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 150. Forma. func. [Internet]. 1º de janeiro de 2006 [citado 26º de janeiro de 2025];(19):201-7. Disponível em:

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