Modelo hidrogeológico conceptual de la Ciudad Universitaria de Bogotá (CUB): “UN laboratorio en el Campus” aportando al estado de conocimiento del subsuelo de la Sabana de Bogotá.
Hydrogeological conceptual model of the University City of Bogotá (CUB): "A laboratory on the Campus", contributing to the state of knowledge of the subsoil of the Bogotá Savanna.
Palabras clave:
Modelo hidrogeológico conceptual, Ciudad Universitaria de Bogotá (CUB), Sabana de Bogotá, hidrogeología urbana, agua subterránea, goteo, laboratorio en el campus (es)Hydrogeological conceptual model, University City of Bogotá (CUB), Sabana de Bogotá, urban hydrogeology, groundwater, leakage, laboratory on campus (en)
From the synthesis and correlation of previous geological and hydrogeological information, the reinterpretation of a pumping test, the realization and interpretation of 7 slug tests, two annual groundwater sampling campaigns and the monthly measurement of the piezometric level in 7 points for almost two years, a conceptual hydrogeological model was reached for the University City of Bogotá (CUB). Three hydrogeological units were identified and characterized within the first 270 m depth in the subsoil of the CUB, which from the surface downwards are: UH-1 (aquifer - aquitard); UH - 2 (aquifer) and UH - 3 (aquitard). The recharge for the shallow aquifers of the UH-1 would be related to the episodes of rain-infiltration, but it is not ruled out that in this urban sector there are also contributions from the leaks of the aqueduct system. For the aquifer layers at greater depths it is estimated that they receive vertical descending contributions from leakage, for which values between 50mm / year and 205mm / year were calculated for different aquifers. This last hypothesis seems to be confirmed with the hydrogeochemical sampling results, which reveal an evolution from sub-surface waters (calcium bicarbonates and calcium-magnesium) to sodium-potassium bicarbonates, corresponding to those sampled in aquifers more than 100m deep, indicating an evolution related to a longer residence time and flow movements with a vertical component (leakage) downwards between aquitards and aquifers. At least four sectors were identified within the lower - middle part of the CUB, topographically speaking, where the outcrop of subsurface waters probably related to the UH - 1 is evidenced. This would confirm the direction of flow for groundwater determined for this unit (N65°W).
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