

Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes


Macizo de Santander, basamento andino, fallas inversas, cobertera sedimentaria (en)
Macizo de Santander, basamento andino, fallas inversas, cobertera sedimentaria (es)
Macizo de Santander, basamento andino, fallas inversas, cobertera sedimentaria (de)


  • Andreas Kammer Universidad Nacional de Colombia
The Santander Massif is a broad basement uplift, limited on both flanks by two major reverse faults. More internal faults, however, though very steeply dipping, are normal faults and limit sedimentary half· grabens. Much of the Neogene fault pattern is inherited from a Jurassic extensional event. The Neogene extensional deformation regime of the massif's internal parts is accounted for by a vertical uplift with an outward directed spread component, due to the fan array of its faults. This model is modified for a narrow, elongated uplift at Malaga, where the space problems created by the heave of a rock volume above downward curved faults have been overcome by the collapse of marginal synclines.

Das Santandermassif besteht aus einer weitläufigen Aufwölbung des andinen Grundgebirges und wird gegen seine Vorlandbecken durch steilfallende Aufschiebungen abgetrennt. An Brüchen des Massifinnern haben sich dagegen Abschiebungen vollzogen, an denen Relikte des Sedimentmantels eingekeilt wurden und sich Halbqräben bildeten. Das Bruchmuster wurde weitgehend von einer jurassischen Dehnungstektonik ererbt. Die Neogenen Abschiebungen könen einer vertikalen Hebungstektonik zugeordnet werden, bei der, bedingt durch die fächerartige Anordnung der Brüche, zentrale Teile der Aufwölbung des Massivs absinken mussten.  Ein leicht abgeändertes Modell wird an einem schmalen, kompressiven Grundgebirgshorst erprobt, wo, während der Hebung Randbereiche direkt über den inversen Brüchen einbrachen und sich charakteristische

Synklinalen bildeten.

How to Cite


Kammer, A. (1993). Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes. Geología Colombiana, 18, 47–64.


Kammer, A. 1993. Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes. Geología Colombiana. 18, (Jan. 1993), 47–64.


Kammer, A. Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes. Geología Colombiana 1993, 18, 47-64.


KAMMER, A. Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes. Geología Colombiana, [S. l.], v. 18, p. 47–64, 1993. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 feb. 2025.


Kammer, Andreas. 1993. “Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes”. Geología Colombiana 18 (January):47-64.


Kammer, A. (1993) “Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes”, Geología Colombiana, 18, pp. 47–64. Available at: (Accessed: 18 February 2025).


A. Kammer, “Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes”, Geología Colombiana, vol. 18, pp. 47–64, Jan. 1993.


Kammer, A. “Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes”. Geología Colombiana, vol. 18, Jan. 1993, pp. 47-64,


Kammer, Andreas. “Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes”. Geología Colombiana 18 (January 1, 1993): 47–64. Accessed February 18, 2025.


Kammer A. Steeply Dipping Basement Faults and Associated Structures of the Santander Massif, Eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes. Geología Colombiana [Internet]. 1993 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];18:47-64. Available from:

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