Áreas naturales protegidas urbanas ¿Figuras de conservación y uso sostenible o relictos de vegetación en vías de extinción?
Urban natural protected areas, example of conservation and sustainable use or relicts of endangered vegetation?
https://doi.org/10.15446/ga.v26n2.110504Palabras clave:
Normatividad ambiental, Uso de suelo, sistemas socioecológicos, gobernanza , sistemas socio-ecológicos (es)governance, Environment Care, environmental public policies, Socio-ecological systems (en)
Urban natural protected areas are at risk of losing their primary function of maintaining biodiversity due to their isolation and the pressures they facewhen embedded in urban areas. Therefore, it is essential to understand the in- teractions between social and ecological systems that may affecttheir ecological functionality. The objective of this research was to evaluate the application of environmental regulations to users in three NPA in Michoacán, Mexi- co, as well as to learn about changes in vegetation cover and land use within the reserves during the years they have been underprotection. To this end, interviews were conducted with local stakeholders and administrators of the NPA, as well as with settlers and users of theareas of influence, and a diagnosis was made to learn about the changes in the NPA and the level of enforcement of envi- ronmental regulations. Todetermine the extent to which the ecosystems within the NPAs have been conserved and restored, maps of changes in vegetation cover and land useover a 26-year period (1995-2021) were produced. The results show a lack of knowledge about the mana- gement of the NPA and a lack ofownership by the inha- bitants and users. Managers recognize a general lack of environmental governance, but are working hard to ensure itsproper functioning. The maps of change in two NPA show the loss of forest cover and water bodies, as well as the loss of biodiversity.
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