Fragmentación del paisaje empleando análisis multitemporal de imágenes de satélite Landsat TM y ETM+ en el municipio de Montelíbano, Córdoba-Colombia
Fragmentation of the landscape through multitemporal analysis of Landsat TM and ETM + satellite images in the municipality of Montelíbano, Colombia
https://doi.org/10.15446/ga.v22n1.76116Palabras clave:
Dinámica espacial, evaluación temática, minería, sensores remotos, técnicas de clasificación (es)Spatial dynamics, thematic evaluation, mining, remote sensing, classification techniques (en)
Deforestation is a process that negatively affects the activity of ecosystems and how a fragmentation of the landscape is generated, thus being a direct threat to biodiversity and the sustainability of the biostic resources cause spatial changes that influence the loss of native species of flora and fauna, reduction in the local size of the different natural covers, what which alters the ecological functioning of regional ecosystems. In order to address the spatial dynamics of open-pit mining of nickel deposits south of the department of Córdoba-Colombia, the objective of the article is to determine the state of the fragmentation of the landscape from the change of cover between 1986 and 2013 using Landsat TM and ETM+ images, the parts that were subjected to various processes such as radiometric corrections and tassel caps transformations, which provide adequate images for the correct classification of land cover. The results showed alterations in the configuration of the territory, where a reduction in low stubble is identified by 49.76% (2692.53 hectares) and a secondary forest clearing of 12% of the total changes (370.3 hectares). The anthropic dynamic generated a fragmented landscape with different levels of disturbance.
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