About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Gestión y Ambiente focuses on the publication of original articles and essays based on transdisciplinary research about environmental and development issues. This journal aims at contributing to the development of environmental studies for a better understanding of the relationships between the human actions and the complex functions and structures of the natural systems. The submitted articles must have a high academic quality and fit within the scope of the journal. It is expected that these works make a substantial contribution to the comprehension and resolution of local, regional and global environmental problems. The accepted languages are Spanish and English.
Gestión y Ambiente is sponsored and edited by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Institute of Environmental Studies (Instituto de Estudios Ambientales – IDEA) and Fundación Universidad de América, and it aims at spreading the results of research carried out by experts and interdisciplinary groups, so that it can be available for the general public interested on environmental issues.
Two volumes of Gestión y Ambiente are issued annually publishes in permanent call. In addition to the regular issue, publishes special issues on topics of environmental importance. Research, case studies, reflection, review, short communications of prompt publication, comments or criticisms of published articles (only in digital version), addenda / retractions, errata and editorial letters written by the editor or Editorial Committee member are published. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept or reject contributions to the journal. All articles will be evaluated by double-blind peer review. The papers considered for publication may deal with one or several of the following topics:
- Environmental conflicts
- Environmental monitoring and follow-up
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Systems, models and tools for environmental management
- Environment and technology
- Alternative production systems
- Applied ecology and conservation ecology
- Environmental education
- Ecological and environmental economics
- Political ecology
- Tourism
- Sociocultural and political dimensions of environmental issues
- Rural development
- Environmental philosophy
- Environmental history
The approved articles are published the print edition of the journal and also in the web site www.revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/gestion/index and other electronic formats like PDF, HTML, XML, among others. In addition, in different social networks of knowledge dissemination. Gestión y Ambiente adopts ethics guidelines by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on good conduct practices (avoid behaviors like plagiarism, falsification, fictitious authorship, among others), describes conflicts of interest or competition, authorship contributions and funds from sponsors. The published material is considered property of Gestion y Ambiente but the digital version is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Peer Review Process
The academic peer-review evaluation process is anonymous and double-blind, this means that the authors do not know the evaluators of their work (although he wonders if they allow it) and vice versa.
The submitted manuscript must have at least two approved evaluations (or approved with slight modifications). The article can be sent back to the authors if one referee considers that it needs significant corrections. The peer-review process resumes once the modified version is received. If two referees agree on the fact that the manuscript cannot be published, it is rejected and will not be considered again for publication in Gestión y Ambiente. In case of a tie, an odd position reviewer will define the situation of the manuscript. Only one out of the three referees may have any relationship to Universidad Nacional de Colombia or Fundación Universidad de América, and to the members of the Editorial Committee. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any concept or evaluation opinion.
Publication Frequency
The Gestión y Ambiente publishes two annual issues and special supplements
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge.
The approved articles are published the print edition of the journal and also in the web site www.revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/gestion/index and other electronic formats like PDF, HTML, XML, among others. In addition, in different social networks of knowledge dissemination. Everything published will be considered property of Gestión y Ambiente but the digital version of the magazine is available under the Creative Commons license "Recognition - Non-Commercial - Share Equal (by-nc-sa) 4.0". Publishing to the journal has no cost to the authors. Any concerns contact the Editor.
The copyright rights of the journal are from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (IDEA). Bogotá
The magazine Gestión y Ambiente is open access and the use of its content under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 license
Article processing charge
There is no cost to publish
Code of ethics
Gestión y Ambiente seeks to comply with the guidelines for authors established by the COPE in terms of the ethical development of the articles, the presentation of honest and transparent results and the clear description of the methods (include annex and appendix if necessary), accepting a collective responsibility around the published articles and informing about financial sources and conflicts of interest that puts the validity of the presented results at risk.
Standardization system of scientific authors' signatures
For dissemination and adoption of knowledge management practice, the authors of Gestión y Ambiente will use IraLIS or e-LIS tools to use the name of the citation, the ORCID identifier is required. In the case of Colombian researchers, the affiliation of the article must coincide with the CvLAC.
Estadísticas (Google Analytics - Users) (Visitas)
Maestría en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (PMAD) of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá and IDEAS Medellín, Palmira and Manizales
Sources of Support
Journal History
The Gestión y Ambiente journal began with the Maestría en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo -PMAD- of the Instituto de Estudios Ambientales (IDEA) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 1998, with the purpose of promoting the dissemination of the results obtained in the theses of postgraduate in the three headquarters where the Institute, Bogota, Medellin and Palmira is present. The Medellín headquarters led its edition until 2012 and later moved to Bogotá headquarters. Between 2006 and 2012, the periodicity was three times a year but now it continues every six months as from its beginning.
Reviewer Guidelines
The referees have to accept the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This document states that the referees need to: have experience in the topics covered by the manuscript, maintain the confidentiality of their evaluation, declare all possible conflicts of interest that do not allow a neutral position (personal, labor, academic, religious, political, among others), and perform an objective, constructive and appropriate evaluation. The referees must inform Gestión y Ambiente should they find fake or already published data. The referees have to use an evaluation form available under this link: Manuscript Evaluation Form