

Rorty the Reformer?


Hilary Putnam, Charles Peirce, William James, truth, objectivity, post-philosophy, reformer (es)


  • Harvey Cormier Stony Brook University
Rorty should be read as a reformer, rather than a revolutionary transformer. While the reformer aims to improve what is already good, the revolutionary transformer seeks to dispense with the merely good in a quest for the absolutely best. For Rorty this choice was a bad choice. In order to make the case that Rorty was a reformer, we explicate Rorty’s views on truth. These views argue that we can obtain consensus about what is worth preserving and improving without reference to either rightness, truth, or objectivity. For after all, there is no way for philosophers to get outside the circle of language within which we debate about what we take to be authoritative and aceptable.


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How to Cite


Cormier, H. “Rorty the Reformer?”. Ideas y Valores, vol. 57, no. 138, Sept. 2008, pp. 73-92,


Cormier, H. 2008. Rorty the Reformer?. Ideas y Valores. 57, 138 (Sep. 2008), 73–92.


Cormier, H. Rorty the Reformer?. Ideas Valores 2008, 57, 73-92.


Cormier, H. (2008). Rorty the Reformer?. Ideas y Valores, 57(138), 73–92.


CORMIER, H. Rorty the Reformer?. Ideas y Valores, [S. l.], v. 57, n. 138, p. 73–92, 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


Cormier, Harvey. 2008. “Rorty the Reformer?”. Ideas Y Valores 57 (138):73-92.


Cormier, H. (2008) “Rorty the Reformer?”, Ideas y Valores, 57(138), pp. 73–92. Available at: (Accessed: 6 March 2025).


H. Cormier, “Rorty the Reformer?”, Ideas Valores, vol. 57, no. 138, pp. 73–92, Sep. 2008.


Cormier, Harvey. “Rorty the Reformer?”. Ideas y Valores 57, no. 138 (September 1, 2008): 73–92. Accessed March 6, 2025.


Cormier H. Rorty the Reformer?. Ideas Valores [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];57(138):73-92. Available from:

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