

Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant's Die Religion

Palabras clave:

Kant, radical evil, philosophy of religion (es)



  • Carlos Manrique University of Chicago
There is an aporia in Kant’s analysis of evil: he defines radical evil
as an invisible disposition of the will, but he also demands an inferential connection between visible evil actions and this invisible disposition. This inference, however, undermines the radical invisibility of radical evil according to Kant’s own definition of the latter. Noting how this invisibility of moral worth is a distinctive feature of Kant’s approach to the moral problem, the paper then asks why, in the Groundwork, he nonetheless forecloses a question about evil that seems to be consistent with this approach. It is argued that to account for this aporia and this foreclosure, one has to interrogate the way in which the category of religion orients Kant’s incipient philosophy of history in Die Religion.


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Cómo citar


Manrique, C. «Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion». Ideas y Valores, vol. 56, n.º 135, septiembre de 2007, pp. 3-27,


Manrique, C. 2007. Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion. Ideas y Valores. 56, 135 (sep. 2007), 3–27.


Manrique, C. Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion. Ideas Valores 2007, 56, 3-27.


Manrique, C. (2007). Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion. Ideas y Valores, 56(135), 3–27.


MANRIQUE, C. Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion. Ideas y Valores, [S. l.], v. 56, n. 135, p. 3–27, 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


Manrique, Carlos. 2007. «Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion». Ideas Y Valores 56 (135):3-27.


Manrique, C. (2007) «Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion», Ideas y Valores, 56(135), pp. 3–27. Disponible en: (Accedido: 6 marzo 2025).


C. Manrique, «Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion», Ideas Valores, vol. 56, n.º 135, pp. 3–27, sep. 2007.


Manrique, Carlos. «Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion». Ideas y Valores 56, no. 135 (septiembre 1, 2007): 3–27. Accedido marzo 6, 2025.


Manrique C. Radical Evil and the Invisibility of Moral Worth in Kant’s Die Religion. Ideas Valores [Internet]. 1 de septiembre de 2007 [citado 6 de marzo de 2025];56(135):3-27. Disponible en:

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