Stabilization of the Homotopy Groups of the Moduli Spaces of k-Higgs Bundles
Estabilización de los Grupos de Homotopía de los Espacios Móduli de los k-Fibrados de Higgs
DOI: clave:
Moduli of Higgs Bundles, Variations of Hodge Structures, Vector Bundles (en)Moduli de Fibrados de Higgs, Variaciones de Estructuras de Hodge, Fibrados Vectoriales (es)
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CrossRef Cited-by
1. Alfonso Zamora Saiz, Ronald A. Zúñiga-Rojas. (2021). Geometric Invariant Theory, Holomorphic Vector Bundles and the Harder-Narasimhan Filtration. SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. , p.101.
2. Alfonso Zamora Saiz, Ronald A. Zúñiga-Rojas. (2021). Geometric Invariant Theory, Holomorphic Vector Bundles and the Harder-Narasimhan Filtration. SpringerBriefs in Mathematics. , p.1.
3. Ronald A. Zúñiga-Rojas. (2021). Variations of hodge structures of rank three k-Higgs bundles and moduli spaces of holomorphic triples. Geometriae Dedicata, 213(1), p.137.
4. David Alfaya, André Oliveira. (2024). Lie algebroid connections, twisted Higgs bundles and motives of moduli spaces. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 201, p.105195.
5. Peter B. Gothen, Ronald A. Zúñiga-Rojas. (2022). Stratifications on the nilpotent cone of the moduli space of Hitchin pairs. Revista Matemática Complutense, 35(2), p.311.
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