Rigidity of the Stable Norm on Tori
Rigidez de la norma estable sobre toros
Mots-clés :
Stable norm, p-norm, Poincaré duality. (en)Norma estable, p-norma, dualidad de Poincaré. (es)
1Universidad Michoacana, Morelia, México. Email: osvaldo@ifm.umich.mx
Given a closed, orientable Riemannian manifold, we study the stable norm on the real homology groups. In particular, for n≥ 2 we prove that a Riemanniann-torus, which has the same stable norms as a flat n-torus on the first andn-1 homology groups, is in fact isometric to the flat torus.
Key words: Stable norm, p-norm, Poincaré duality.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C23, 53D25, 53C24.
Dada una variedad Riemanniana, cerrada y orientable, estudiamos la norma estable sobre sus grupos de homología real. En particular, para n≥ 2 demostramos que si un n-toro Riemanniano tiene normas estables iguales a las normas estables de un n-toro plano sobre el primer y n-1 grupos de homología; entonces es isométrico a dicho toro plano.
Palabras clave: Norma estable, p-norma, dualidad de Poincaré.
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@ARTICLE{RCMv44n1a02,AUTHOR = {Osuna, Osvaldo},
TITLE = {{Rigidity of the Stable Norm on Tori}},
JOURNAL = {Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas},
YEAR = {2010},
volume = {44},
number = {1},
pages = {15-21}
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