

Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products

Parole chiave:

Funciones monótonas, funtores contravariantes, realización geométrica, productos finitos / Monotonic functions, contravariant functors, geometric realization, finite products. (es)
Monotonic functions, contravariant functors, geometric realization, finite products / Funciones monótonas, funtores contravariantes, realización geométrica, productos finitos (en)



  • Carlos Ruiz Salguero Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Roberto Ruiz Salguero Universidad del Valle

Sea ∆ la categoría de conjuntos [n] = {O,1,2, ... ,n} con funciones monótonas como morfismos; ∆o S  la categoría de conjuntos simpliciales (funtores contravariantes ∆ →  Sets y Y: ∆ → Top el funtor que envía [n] a  ∆ (n), el n-simplejo canónico de R n+1, entonces es bien sabido como construir un par de funtores adjuntos asociados a Y: la realización geometrica Ry: ∆ oS→ Top y el funtor singular  Sy:Top  ∆oS. El objeto de este artículo es: (1) construír generalizaciones de Ry y Sy para cualquier funtor Y: δ → A donde δ es una categoría arbitraria y A tiene coproductos y sumas amalgamadas ("pushouts II), (2) mostrar que cualquier par de funtores adjuntos R: δoS → A  y  S: A → δoS proviene de tal construcción para algún y (3), usando lo anterior, hallar condiciones para que R conmute con productos finitos.

If  ∆ is the category whose objects are the sets {0,1,..., n} with weakly monotonic functions as morphisms, ∆o  is the opposite category, ∆o S is the category of simplicial sets (covariant functors ∆o → Sets),  and  Y: ∆ →Top is the functor which sends {O,1, ... ,n} to the topological ∆ (n) (standard n-simplex in Rn+1), then it is well known the existence of a pair of adjoint functors: the geometric realization Ry: ∆o S→ Top and the singular complex functor Sy:Top →∆o S, both built by ststematic manipulation of the ∆(n)'s. The purpose of this paper is: (1) to construct generalizations of Ry and Sy for any functor Y: δ → A, where A is arbitrary and A is a category having coproducts and pushouts, (2) to show that any pair of adjoint functors R: δoS→ A and S:A→ oδoS comes from such constructions, and (3) as a result, to find conditions for R to commute with finite products.

Come citare


Ruiz Salguero, C. e Ruiz Salguero, R. (1981). Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, 15(3-4), 113–146.


Ruiz Salguero, C. e Ruiz Salguero, R. 1981. Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas. 15, 3-4 (lug. 1981), 113–146.


Ruiz Salguero, C.; Ruiz Salguero, R. Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products. rev.colomb.mat 1981, 15, 113-146.


RUIZ SALGUERO, C.; RUIZ SALGUERO, R. Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products. Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 3-4, p. 113–146, 1981. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 gen. 2025.


Ruiz Salguero, Carlos, e Roberto Ruiz Salguero. 1981. «Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products». Revista Colombiana De Matemáticas 15 (3-4):113-46.


Ruiz Salguero, C. e Ruiz Salguero, R. (1981) «Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products», Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, 15(3-4), pagg. 113–146. Available at: (Consultato: 22 gennaio 2025).


C. Ruiz Salguero e R. Ruiz Salguero, «Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products», rev.colomb.mat, vol. 15, n. 3-4, pagg. 113–146, lug. 1981.


Ruiz Salguero, C., e R. Ruiz Salguero. «Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products». Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, vol. 15, n. 3-4, luglio 1981, pagg. 113-46,


Ruiz Salguero, Carlos, e Roberto Ruiz Salguero. «Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products». Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 15, no. 3-4 (luglio 1, 1981): 113–146. Consultato gennaio 22, 2025.


Ruiz Salguero C, Ruiz Salguero R. Conditions for a realization functor to commute with finite products. rev.colomb.mat [Internet]. 1 luglio 1981 [citato 22 gennaio 2025];15(3-4):113-46. Available at:

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