About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia” publishes case reports as well as original, review, and opinion articles in all areas of veterinary medicine and animal science.
The topic addressed by the journal is included within the Agricultural Sciences area, Animal and dairy sciences area, animal biotechnology, Veterinary Sciences area, according to the classification of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Scientific article (original): original scientific paper reporting the results of a research conducted under the scientific method.
Case report: report of clinical cases that become relevant and publishable due to their specific context.
Review article: critical review of a specific topic from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective of the author, who always uses original sources. For this type of manuscript, within the list of authors at least one author must have proven research experience in the subject or area that concerns the article.
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts submitted to the journal must comply with the presentation, style and citation standards of the journal described in this document. Otherwise, the documents will be returned and the peer review process will be postponed until the authors have made the pertinent correction.
In the first instance, the submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the journal editor to determine if the manuscript is into the interest area, if so, the assignment and sending to external academic peers will be approved through the double-blind modality with at least two evaluators by manuscript; otherwise, an email will be sent to the authors indicating that the article is not accepted to continue with the external academic peer review process.
The evaluation by external academic peers will try to identify the contributions to the scientific, technological or pedagogical innovation of the proposals, compared to the current state of knowledge in a discipline; the academic reviewers must give a concept of approval, modification or disapproval. In case of a divided concept by the evaluators, the manuscript will be sent to a third expert reviewer in the area to define if the manuscript is accepted or rejected. The Editorial Committee or the editor-in-chief may recommend or deny the publication of the manuscript, or request the correction of its form or material.
The criteria considered during the evaluation will be:
- Compliance with the style rules of the journal
- Relevance of content: the texts should address the issues that are relevant, directly or indirectly, for the understanding of any of the disciplines of health and animal production.
- Originality, novelty, relevance of the topic.
- Scientific quality: Appropriate methodologies must be used to the subject studied, be understandable and possible to reproduce.
- Rigor of argumentation: the works must have a coherent and logical formal thought.
- Methodological coherence: agreement between the problem statement, the objectives, results and interpretations.
- Conceptual clarity: correspondence between scientific or technical terms used in the thematic purpose.
If the articles are accepted for publication, the authors must correct them according to the observations of the peers and / or the editorial committee within the time allotted for it. The observations that are not accepted by the authors must have an appropriate support and sent in a document attached to the corrected manuscript indicating the page and the line number to which it refers, these changes and clarifications will be evaluated by the corresponding editor. The editor and editorial committee reserve the right to reject or accept materials submitted for publication.
Ethical considerations
The Editorial Board of the “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia” is committed to good practices during the whole editorial process, including the application of international standards concerning to ethics and malpractice in scientific publishing. In order to fulfill this purpose, we have adopted the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing recommended by COPE, as well as its Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers as guides in scientific ethics and malpractices in publishing. The editorial board encourages authors of articles submitted to the journal to avoid any kind of scientific misconduct and advise authors to consult the article by Wager and Kleinert (2011) entitled Responsible research publication: international standards for authors.
The following is a more detailed description of what it is expected from authors, peer-reviewers, and editors, regarding ethics in scientific publishing, applied to the journal:
1. Editorial Board
* To act without discrimination on grounds of geographical origin, institutional affiliation, political, ethnic, or religious membership of the authors, peer-reviewers, or members of the editorial and scientific committees.
* To adopt the best editorial practices with the submitted contents. That includes the designation of the best peer-reviewers possible for each manuscript according to its specific topic.
* To work for achieving the best international standards in scientific publishing for the journal. For this purpose, the submission of the published articles to the main world databases is of prime importance.
* Additional responsibilities of the Editorial Board are shown later under “Publication ethics”.
* The information about the Editorial Board can be found in the Editorial Team section.
2. Authors
* Authorship. Only a person who has made a significant and substantial contribution to the manuscript shall be included as an author. This contribution shall include his/her participation in tasks such as the conception of the experiment and the experimental design, raw data collection, data reduction analysis and interpretation of results, application of the appropriate statistical model, elaboration of the manuscript and bibliographical search. Every author shall be able to explain his direct involvement with the manuscript and be able to defend its contents if the Editorial Board so requires. Including honorary authors (improper author contribution) is considered unethical and unacceptable. The journal shall not have the responsibility to solve complaints about authorships with third parties, such responsibility falls directly over the authors that submit the manuscript.
* Manuscript submission. Documents submitted for evaluation and possible publication must not have been submitted to other journals previously or simultaneously. This voids its originality and compromises the publication rights. This is also considered unethical.
The authors should adjust the manuscript format and presentation according to the author guidelines of the journal. Otherwise, the manuscript shall be immediately returned. All the authors should apply the citation standard of the journal described in the author guidelines, both in the body of the work, as well as in the list of references.
With the submission, every author declares to be aware of the peer review process to which the manuscript will be submitted; therefore, the authors are committed to making the corrections suggested by the reviewers. Likewise, the authors declare to be aware that the process of evaluation and following edition could take several months and that the Editor and Editorial Board reserve the right to accept or reject any of the contributions submitted based only on technical and/or scientific reasons, that are explained to the authors.
All authors approve the publication of the document in its print and digital versions, including its publication in the different databases in which the journal has been included.
The submission of manuscripts to the journal does not have any cost for the authors and the entire production cost of each number is covered by the journal.
* Manuscript integrity. Fabrication or making up results through instrument, materials or research processes manipulation, changing or omitting results or data, plagiarism (citation of his/her own or other's results without clarification according to citation rules), fragmented submission (submission of fragments as independent articles, also known as "salami science") are all considered unethical practices and are unacceptable.
Ethics committee approval: All research that uses animals in their experimentation must declare in the manuscript the approval of an Ethics Committee (name, act and date of approval) of the study carried out.
3. Peer-review process
* Submissions accepted for evaluation will be sent to a minimum of two external peer reviewers. In the case of lack of consensus among the reviewers, the Editor or Editorial Board decides whether the contribution is accepted or not. When articles are accepted for publication the authors should revise them according to the peer’s observations within the timeframe given. Observations not taken into consideration shall be appropriately supported and will be evaluated by the corresponding editor. After this process is complete, the Editor and Editorial Board reserve the right to accept or reject the contributions submitted.
* Reviewers will only accept to review manuscripts that are within their area of expertise. Their opinions shall be objective and based only on academic and scientific grounds, without any personal consideration, and will attempt to improve the quality of the document. During the evaluation process, the reviewer must keep the contents of the manuscript confidential and shall not assign the reviewing task to any other person (co-researcher, graduate student, etc.). If during the reviewing process the referee finds any conflict of interest or any ethical conflict, he/she shall stop the evaluation process and inform the Editorial Board about this.
* The reviewer shall alert the editors in case he/she realizes that the manuscript under review has been previously published (partially or completely). This situation will be considered a serious ethical scientific misconduct and will lead to the immediate rejection of the submission.
4. Publication ethics
* The Editors are committed to identify and avoid the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. It would be considered a serious lack of ethics if the publisher allows the publication of articles in which any situation of misconduct has been identified. For this reason, the Editors will make use of the tools available to identify this kind of situations, including the application of software intended to identify plagiarism in every manuscript received. The Editorial Board will immediately reject any manuscript that has been identified to be engaged in any kind of scientific misconduct, reporting the corresponding evidence to the authors. In any event, the author should be given the opportunity to respond to any allegations.
* The Editors of the journal shall ensure that the good editorial practices described in this statement are accomplished. This is an institutional commitment involving not only the journal itself but also the name and prestige of the “Universidad Nacional de Colombia” as publisher.
* When needed, the Editors shall publish any corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies.
Copyright and access:
Those authors who have publications with this journal, accept the following terms:
- Authors will retain their copyright and publication rights and will guarantee the journal the right of first publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the Creative Commons license (CC attribution non commercial no derivatives 4.0 international). Please see: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Authors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements for the distribution of the published version of the study published (eg: deposit it in an institutional telematic archive or publish it in a monographic volume) as long as the initial publication in this journal is indicated
- Authors are allowed and recommended to disseminate their work through the Internet (eg: in institutional telematic files or on their website), which can lead to interesting exchanges and increase the citations of the published work. (See The effect of open access).
- Tables and figures that do not indicate the source of the information are considered results of the study that is being published, it means that are prepared by the authors of the manuscript based on the information obtained and processed in the research, case report, etc.
- Copying and citation of materials that appear in the Journal are authorized provided that the journal title, author(s) name(s), year of publication, volume, and the article page numbers are cited.
* All documents hosted on this website are protected by the license Creative Commons license (CC attribution non commercial no derivatives 4.0 international).
* This is an open access journal, whereby the entire content of the journal could be consulted freely in the 'Archives' section.
Publication authorization and editorial agreement
Once the manuscripts have been submitted, the authors confer on the editorial management of the “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia” in its printed version (ISSN 0120-2952) and in its online version (ISNN 2357-3813) the authorization for its publication according to the criteria established in the “Publication Agreement form” that all authors must sign.
Privacy Statement and Personal Data Protection Policy
The information and personal data requested in the editorial process will be used ex-clusively for the journal's own purposes (such as the indexing processes in Publindex de Minciencias- Colombia) and will not be available for any other purpose or other person. Personal data will be treated in accordance with the Data Processing Policy of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. More information on the following link: https://unal.edu.co/tratamiento-de-datos-personales.html
Estadísticas (Google Analytics - Users) (Visitas)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia
Journal History
The Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia (Rev. Med. Vet. Zoot.) was created in 1929 by Dr. Domenico Geovine, dean of the national school of veterinary medicine, today Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry. Since its creation, its aim has been to provide a written medium of expression in which set out their ideas, research results, comments on the issues of animal health, animal production, livestock development and environmental protection for the entire academic community internal and external. His philosophy has been to be open, transparent and decidedly democratic, not only in the participation of the columnists but in the internal management procedures. In the University environment and the livestock area, is the magazine from more ancient times, where there are investigations, analysis of the relevant topic discussions of the area. The “Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia” publishes case reports as well as original articles, reviews, and opinion articles in all areas of veterinary medicine and animal science.
Reviewer Guidelines
All manuscripts submitted to the journal must comply with the presentation, style and citation standards of the journal described in this document. Otherwise, the documents will be returned and the peer review process will be postponed until the authors have made the pertinent correction.
In the first instance, the submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the journal editor to determine if the manuscript is into the interest area, if so, the assignment and sending to academic peers will be approved through the double-blind modality with at least two evaluators by manuscript; otherwise, an email will be sent to the authors indicating that the article is not accepted to continue with the academic peer review process.
The evaluation by academic peers will try to identify the contributions to the scientific, technological or pedagogical innovation of the proposals, compared to the current state of knowledge in a discipline; the academic reviewers must give a concept of approval, modification or disapproval. In case of a divided concept by the evaluators, the manuscript will be sent to a third expert reviewer in the area to define if the manuscript is accepted or rejected. The Editorial Committee or the editor-in-chief may recommend or deny the publication of the manuscript, or request the correction of its form or material.
The criteria considered during the evaluation will be:
- Compliance with the style rules of the journal
- Relevance of content: the texts should address the issues that are relevant, directly or indirectly, for the understanding of any of the disciplines of health and animal production.
- Originality, novelty, relevance of the topic.
- Scientific quality: Appropriate methodologies must be used to the subject studied, be understandable and possible to reproduce.
- Rigor of argumentation: the works must have a coherent and logical formal thought.
- Methodological coherence: agreement between the problem statement, the objectives, results and interpretations.
- Conceptual clarity: correspondence between scientific or technical terms used in the thematic purpose.
If the articles are accepted for publication, the authors must correct them according to the observations of the peers and / or the editorial committee within the time allotted for it. The observations that are not accepted by the authors must have an appropriate support and sent in a document attached to the corrected manuscript indicating the page and the line number to which it refers, these changes and clarifications will be evaluated by the corresponding editor. The editor and editorial committee reserve the right to reject or accept materials submitted for publication.
The forms to complete the academic review of articles can be downloaded at the following links:
Research article evaluation format