Valores hematológicos del mono choro común (Lagothrix lagotricha) mantenido en cautiverio en la ciudad de Lima (Perú)
Hematological parameters of common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) captive in Lima (Perú)
mono choro común, Lagothrix lagotricha, hematología, cautiverio (es)common woolly monkey, Lagothrix lagotricha, hematology, captivity (en)
The decrease in the populations of common woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) has generated its categorization as an endangered species, and many specimens are kept in captivity due to illegal trafficking. Hematology is a very useful tool to assess the well-being and diagnosis of pathological conditions, it is necessary to have reference parameters for all primate species kept in captivity. The aim of this study was to determine the hematological values of the common woolly monkey (L. lagotricha) kept in captivity in zoos in Lima - Peru. The study was counted with 28 individuals in seven zoos, 16 females and 12 males from four different age groups. Primates were captured and the physical-chemical containment was done using screens and an anesthetic protocol based on a combination of ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine. Blood samples were obtained by puncture of the femoral vein and placed into sterile tubes with EDTA anticoagulant and refrigerated until analysis. The following results were obtained: erythrocytes 8,76 x 106/μl (± 2,91), hematocrit 36,46% (± 3,38), hemoglobin 12,32 g/dl (± 1,89), MCV 60,61 fl (± 7,85), HCM 20,37 pg (± 3,07), CMHC 33,85 g/dl (± 4,61), leucocytes 6,12 x 103/µl (± 1,05), abastonados 0,05 x 103/µl (± 0,11), segmented 5,54 x 103/µl (± 2,23), lymphocytes 2,62 x 103/µl (± 1,60), monocytes 0,07 x 103/µl (± 0,02), eosinophils 0,42 x 103/µl (± 0,23), basophils 0,13 x 103/µl (± 0,14) and platelets 314,39 x 103/µl (± 78,09). A significant statistical difference to the value of monocytes in relation to sex was found.
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