About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista Ciudades, Estados y Política is one of the three editorial lines of the Editorial Center of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos (IEU) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. It was created by means the Acta de Consejo de Instituto No. 002 (Institute Council Act No. 002) of April 8, 2014. The first issue of volume one was published in the period May-August 2014. Currently, it is published every four months, with the first issue corresponding to the months of January-April, the second to May-August and the third to September-December; and its publication in digital format is freely accessible from the web, with national and international circulation.

Target audience

The Journal receives, through an open and public call, research, reflection and bibliographic review articles, in Spanish. These articles, from an interdisciplinary perspective, must be aim at researchers specialized in urbanism, architecture, geography, political science, law, economics, sociology, public administration, history, philosophy, and other related disciplines.


This publication aims to present research topics that contribute to technical, academic, or scientific knowledge. These topics must be related to the lines of research of the IEU: the debate on urban phenomena; the relations between cities, States and political formation of citizenship; the economic, physical, cultural and social transformations of urban areas; the territorial, security and change analyzes of contemporary cities and their impacts on countries in Latin America and the rest of the world; among others. Thereby, the IEU seeks to democratize specialized knowledge on urban issues and contributes to the discussion and/or application of research results.

Open Access Policy

Starting in 2019, the Revista Ciudades, Estados y Política publishes its content under the Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which allows others to distribute, remix, modify, and create from the material, in a non-commercial way, as long as they give credit and license their new creations under the same conditions.

In this way, users can utilize the articles under the following terms:


The author(s) must appropriately credit the work by providing a link to the license and indicating whether changes have been made.

They may do so in a reasonable way, without suggesting that they, or the use given, have the support of the licensor.


The author(s) may not use the material for commercial purposes.


If the author(s) decide to remix, transform or create new material from this work, their contribution may be distributed as long as they use the same license as the original work.

It is necessary to clarify that the contents published between 2014 and 2018 are under the Creative Commons License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

This license allows others to distribute, mix, adjust and build upon the material, even for commercial purposes, as long as the authorship of the original is acknowledged.

Copyright policy

Those authors who have publications with this Journal accept the following terms:

1. From the moment a work is accepted for publication, it is understood that the author assigns to the Revista Ciudades, Estados y Política the rights of reproduction and distribution their articles on the web, under open access at the local, regional and international level.

2. The author(s) accepts the inclusion and dissemination of the full text, through the Portal de Revistas y Repositorio Institucional of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and in all the specialized databases that the Journal considers relevant for its indexation, to provide visibility and positioning to the article.

3. The Journal allows the authors to maintain the exploitation rights (copyright) of their articles without restrictions.

4. Authors are allowed and recommended to disseminate their work through the Internet (e.g.: in institutional telematic archives, repositories, libraries, or on their website), which may increase citations of the published work.

5. All the articles must comply with Colombian and international legislation concerning copyright and be framed in the institutional guidelines of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with regard to the copyright and intellectual property issues, established in Agreement 035 of 2003.

Ethics in academic publishing

Submitted manuscripts must comply with the code of ethics for academic publication. The Journal adopts the criteria defined by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In the event that during the revision process any fault is identified, the procedure established by COPE will be applied. Before submitting the manuscript to the Journal, it is recommended to review that it meets these criteria.

Editorial process

The editorial process of the Revista Ciudades, Estados y Política is documented and formalized under the quality management system of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá. The reception, review, evaluation, editing and publication of articles follow the guidelines described in the Manual de procesos y procedimientos of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos:



Editorial management Revista Ciudades, Estados y Política


Charges and fees

The Revista Ciudades, Estados y Política does not charge authors for any of the revision, editing, and publishing procedures, nor does it charge readers for the access, download and consultation of the digital or printed edition. The Journal is a non-profit, open access publication.

Content responsibility

The content of the articles is the responsibility of the authors; it does not reflect the criteria of the members of the Journal's boards, academic peers, or publishing institutions.


The Journal is impartial in selecting the manuscripts submitted for review and respects the intellectual independence of the authors, who have the right of reply in case the manuscript is not accepted. The received manuscripts start their editorial process based on the date of receipt.

Errata, retractions, and expressions of concern

Errata are corrections of errors identified in an article already published. The publication of an erratum is necessary when the author or authors of an article identify one or more errors in the already published article.

A retraction is a public instrument to record or correct problems of a published article or to communicate its cancellation.

The expression of concern is the resource that the editor can use to record that there are doubts about an article published in the Journal but that there is not yet enough conclusive evidence for a retraction or other action to be taken. The expression of concern should be used whenever there are aspects of conduct or integrity of the work in question.

The Journal follows the Guide for the registry and publication of errata, retractions and expressions of concern of SciELO (download instructions).

Edition and publication system

The Journal carries out its reception, edition, publication, and access process through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), which is specialized in the management, publication, and open access to periodical and serial publications, compatible with the OAI-PMH protocol.

Prepublication or preprint

The Journal accepts manuscripts that have been socialized at academic events, registered in digital libraries, or shared on websites that do not have copyright restrictions. Manuscripts that have been submitted or published in specialized journals with an academic peer review process, in Spanish or another language, are not accepted.

Indexing standards

The Journal defines the following criteria for compliance with national and international indexing standards:

Endogamy in publication

The Journal declares that the percentage of authors registered in each volume with institutional affiliation to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the Journal's publishing institution, does not exceed 50%.

Endogamy in the editorial and scientific boards

1. The Journal states that the members of the editorial and scientist boards have postgraduate degrees with lines of investigation in urban studies and publications in specialized journals.

2. The Journal declares that the percentage of the members of the editorial and scientific boards with institutional affiliation to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia does not exceed 20%.

Endogamy in academic peer review

The Journal states that the percentage of registered peer reviewers who are part of the editorial and scientific boards or have institutional affiliation with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia -Sede Bogotá, does not exceed 20%.

Estadísticas (Google Analytics - Users) (Visitas)


Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá). Instituto de Estudios Urbanos (IEU)

Reviewer Guidelines

The Journal's editorial staff oversees the fulfillment of the editorial criteria. This evaluation includes checking:

• The documents required to submit the article.

• The correspondence of the content of the article with the thematic lines of the Journal (disciplinary and geographic scopes, and language).

• The originality, novelty and interest of the subject discussed.

• The formal and content requirements of each type article in the Journal.

• Detection of similarities using Turnitin software and by editorial criteria

• Compliance with the Journal's copyright regulations and ethical standards.

If the article meets the above criteria, it can advance to peer review; otherwise, it is returned to the author with recommendations.

1. Double-blind peer review process

The article moves on to anonymous scientific evaluation by two specialists on the subject using the double-blind system. The reviewers, national or foreign, will assess the academic or scientific rigor of the manuscript according to the academic review form (download article evaluation form). 

The evaluation of the articles includes assessing:

1. Pertinence of the subject: originality and validity of the proposed topic, impact in the area of the knowledge, timeliness and relevance of the literature.

2. Quality of content: argumentation, conceptual contribution, comprehensiveness in the presentation of the topic: title, objectives, background, analysis, results, and conclusions.

3. Presentation of the document: writing, adequate citation and referencing (APA), relevance of the images and tables and connection with the text, and quality of the information sources.

4. Final evaluation. The article may be:

• Accepted without modifications.

• Accepted with minor modifications.

• Accepted with major modifications.

• Not accepted

In the event that one of the academic peers does not accept the manuscript, it will be referred to a third academic peer or to the Editorial board or to the Scientific board for the final decision. The Journal will make the decision to publish base on the opinions of the academic peer review, the concept of the boards and the adjustments made within the established dates and will inform the author of the final decision. The final determination on whether to publish the manuscript is communicated to the authors exclusively by email and through the Portal de Revistas UN.

To contribute to the transparency of the evaluation process and provide the respective recognition, the Journal publishes, in the last issue of each volume, the list of academic peers who contributed to the review of the manuscripts.