Predictores de potenciales reacciones adversas e interacciones medicamentosas en pacientes post accidente cerebrovascular en Perú
Predictors of potential adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions in post-stroke patients in Peru
Predictor, severidad, reacciones adversas medicamentosas, interacciones medicamentosas, accidente cerebrovascular (es)Predictor, severity, adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions, stroke (en)
Objetivo Identificar los predictores clínicos y farmacoterapéuticos asociados a los niveles de severidad de las reacciones adversas (RAM) e interacciones medicamentosas (IM) en pacientes hospitalizados post accidente cerebrovascular.
Métodos Estudio analítico, predictivo y transversal mediante el modelo de regresión lineal múltiple. Los niveles de severidad de las potenciales reacciones adversas e interacciones medicamentosas se evaluaron mediante
Resultados De la evaluación de 992 prescripciones médicas de 55 (56,7%) pacientes mujeres y 42 (43,3%) varones post accidente cerebrovascular isquémico 62 (63,9%) y hemorrágico 35 (36,1%), se identificó un total de 11790 ± 46,8 potenciales reacciones adversas y 1034 ± 9,8 interacciones medicamentosas. La hipertensión arterial se asoció a las reacciones adversas graves y moderadas, en tanto que la neumonía intrahospitalaria y alcalosis metabólica a reacciones adversas leves y moderadas. La alcalosis metabólica se asoció a las interacciones medicamentosas moderadas y leves. Los predictores farmacoterapéuticos como la prescripción en polifarmacia y el uso de antibióticos se relacionaron con reacciones adversas graves, moderadas y leves; los antidiabéticos se relacionaron con interacciones medicamentosas graves, moderadas y los fármacos para terapia cardiaca con interacciones medicamentosas leves.
Conclusiones Las variables clínicas como factores de riesgo cardiovascular, presencia de comorbilidades que exacerban las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, los signos y síntomas de alarma, el mayor tiempo de estancia hospitalaria y la prescripción en polifarmacia fueron predictores de mayor frecuencia de reacciones adversas einteracciones medicamentosas graves y moderadas que requieren especial vigilancia y estudio individualizado.
Objective To identify clinical and pharmacotherapeutic predictors associated with severity levels of adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions in post-stroke hospita- lized patients.
Methods Analytic, predictive, cross-sectional study using multiple linear regression modeling. Severity levels of potential adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions were assessed using
Results From the evaluation of 992 medical prescriptions of 55 (56.7%) female and 42 (43.3%) male patients post ischemic stroke 62 (63.9%) and hemorrhagic stroke 35 (36.1%); a total of 11790 ± 46.8 potential adverse reactions and 1034 ± 9.8 drug-drug interactions were identified; arterial hypertension was associated with severe and moderate adverse reactions; while in-hospital pneumonia and metabolic alkalosis with mild and moderate adverse reactions. While metabolic alkalosis was associated with moderate and mild drug-drug interactions. Pharmacotherapeutic predictors such as polypharmacy prescription and antibiotic use were related to moderate and mild severe adverse reactions; antidiabetic drugs were related to moderate and severe drug-drug interactions and cardiac therapy drugs were related to mild drug-drug interactions.
Conclusions Clinical variables such as cardiovascular risk factors, presence of comorbidities that exacerbate chronic noncommunicable diseases, alarm signs and symptoms, longer hospital stay, as well as polypharmacy prescriptions, were predictors of a higher frequency of severe and moderate adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions, which require special vigilance and individualized study.
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