Conversatorio con el profesor Román Castañeda Sepúlveda
A conversation with professor Román Castañeda Sepúlveda
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Professor Castañeda is one of the most important persons in the world of physics at local and national level. It is an honor for the College of Sciences at the National University of Colombia at Medellin having him as a member of its faculty. Professor Castañeda has distinguished a top researcher in optics, area in which he has established one of the best research groups in this topic which is re ected by the number of publications in international and national journals by this group. It is also remarkable the cooperation in the administrative work that professor Castañeda is willing to do. He has been chairman of the research office DIME at this university. We also notice that among the personal interests of professor Castañeda is in short story writings. As a writer he has published a book of his short stories.
Betancur, R.; Restrepo, J. & Castañeda, R. (2009), Beam shaping by spatial coherence modulation based on spatial coherence wavelets. Optics And Lasers In Engineering, 47(1), 1340-1347.
Castañeda, R. (1994), Two dimensional evaluation of point spread functions using centred reduced moments. Pure And Applied Optics, 3(6), 737-755.
Castañeda, R. (2004), Partially coherent imaging and spatial coherence wavelets. Optics Communications, 230(1), 7-18.
Castañeda, R. (2006), Electromagnetic spatial coherence wavelets and the classical laws on polarization. Optics Communications, 267(1), 4-13.
Castañeda, R. (2007), Tensor theory of electromagnetic radiometry. Optics Communications, 276(1), 14-30.
Castañeda, R. (2008), Phase space representation of spatially partially coherent imaging. Applied Optics, 47(22), E53-E62.
Castañeda, R. (2009), Phase-space representation of electromagnetic radiometry. Physica Scripta, 79, 35302.
Castañeda, R. (2009), Simulador de Aberraciones Ópticas Primarias en Java. Revista Colombiana De Física, 41, 476-478.
Castañeda, R. (2010), Point sources and rays in the phase space: novel tools for optical eld modeling. Photonics Letters Of Poland, 2(4), 150-152.
Castañeda, R. (2011), Generalised radiant emittance in the phase-space representation of planar sources in any state of spatial coherence. Optics Communications, 284, 4259-4262.
Castañeda, R. (2011), Point sources and rays in the phase-space representation of random electromagnetic fields. Optics Communications, 284(1), 4114-4123.
Castañeda, R. (2013), Second-order Holography. Optics Communications, 289, 10-18.
Castañeda, R. (2014), Electromagnetic wave elds in the microdiffraction domain. Physical Review A, 89, 01384301-01384314.
Castañeda, R. (2014), Three-dimensional micro-diffraction modeling. Applied Optics, 53, 1782-1793.
Castañeda, R. & Betancur, R. (2009), Spatial coherence modulation. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 26(1),147-155.
Castañeda, R.; Betancur, R. & Hincapie, D. (2008), Holographic features of spatial coherence wavelets. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 25(8), 1894-1901.
Castañeda, R.; Betancur, R. & Restrepo, J. (2008), Interference in phase-space. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 25(10), 2518-2527.
Castañeda, R.; Brand, F. & Garcia, J. (2003), Quality descriptors of optical beams based on centred reduced moments I: spot analysis. Optics Communications, 227(1), 37-48.
Castañeda, R.; Brand, F. & Garcia, J. (2004), Quality descriptors of optical beams based on centred reduced moments II: retrieving of the complex degree of spatial coherence through the spot moments. Optics Communications, 238(1), 191-200.
Castañeda, R.; Canas, G. & Vinck, H. (2012), Analogies between classical scalar wave elds in any state of spatial coherence and some quantum states of light. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 29(4), 463-472.
Castañeda, R. & Carrasquilla, J. (2008), Spatial coherence wavelets and phase-space representation of diffraction. Applied Optics, 47(22), E76-E87.
Castañeda, R.; Carrasquilla, J. & Garcia, J. (2005), Quality descriptors of optical beams based on centred reduced moments III: Spot moments based method for laser characterization. Optics Communications, 248(1), 509-519.
Castañeda, R.; Carrasquilla, J. & Garcia, J. (2006), Young's experiment with electromagnetic spatial coherence wavelets. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 23(10), 2519-2529.
Castañeda, R.; Carrasquilla, J.; Shoeld, M.; Beleggia, M; Garcia, J. & Matteucci, G. (2008), Retrieving the complex degree of spatial coherence of electron beams. Optik, 119(2), 127-133.
Castañeda, R.; Carrasquilla, J. & Garcia, J. (2009), Denition and invariance properties of the complex degree of spatial coherence. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 26(1), 2459-2465.
Castañeda, R.; Carrasquilla, J.; Herrera, J. & Betancur, R. (2008), Phase-space representation and polarization domains of random electromagnetic elds. Applied Optics, 47(22), E27-E38.
Castañeda, R.; Franco, R. & Vargas, D. (2013), Spatial coherence of light and a fundamental discontinuity of classical second-order wave-fronts. Physica Scripta, 88, 035401-035409.
Castañeda, R. & Garcia, J. (2003), Classes of source pairs in interference and diffraction. Optics Communications, 226(1), 4555.
Castañeda, R. & Garcia J. (2003), Full retrieving of the complex degree of spatial coherence: theoretical analysis. Optics Communications, 228(1), 9-19.
Castañeda, R. & Garcia, J. (2005), Radiometry and spatial coherence wavelets. Optics Communications, 248(1), 147-165.
Castañeda, R. & Garcia, J. (2006), Electromagnetic spatial coherence wavelets. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 23(1), 81-90.
Castañeda, R.; Herrera, J. & Carrasquilla, J. (2007), Radiometric análisis of diffraction of quasi-homogeneous optical elds. Optics Communications, 273(1), 8-20.
Castañeda, R. & Kross, J. (1994), PSF measurements using an Airy pattern as test object. Pure And Applied Optics, 3(4), 259-268.
Castañeda, R. & Mejia, Y. (2006), Autocorrelation-based reconstruction of two dimensional binary objects. Optik, 117(1), 58-66.
Castañeda, R.; Muñoz, H. & Canas, G. (2011), The structured spatial coherence support. Journal Of Modern Optics, 58(11), 962-972.
Castañeda, R.; Muñoz H.; Canas G. & Garcia, J. (2010), Radiant, virtual, and dual sources of optical fields in any state of spatial coherence. Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision, 27, 1322-1330.
Castañeda, R.; Mu~noz, H. & Garcia, J. (2010), Efficient numerical calculation of interference and diffraction of optical elds in any state of spatial coherence in the phase-space representation. Applied Optics, 49(31), 6063-6071.
Castañeda, R.; Pelaez, A.; Abad, P. & Marquez, E. (2005), Centred Reduced Moments and Associate Density Functions applied to Alkaline Comet Assay. Journal Of Biomedical Optics, 10(3), 3400-3408.
Castañeda, R. & Restrepo, A. (2007), Compression of color images using a hologram of gray tones. Proceedings Of Spie, The International Society For Optical Engineering, 6493, 493I1-493I7.
Castañeda, R. & Restrepo, A. (2007), Colour image compression in gray-tone synthetic holograms. Journal Of Holography And Speckle, 4(1), 1-10.
Castañeda, R.; Usuga, M. & Herrera, J. (2007); Experimental evidence of the spatial coherence moiré and the ltering of classes of radiator pairs. Applied Optics, 46(22), 5321-5328.
Castañeda, R.; Vargas, D. & Franco, R. (2013), Discreteness of the set of radiant point sources:a physical feature of the second-order wave-fronts. Optics Express, 21(11), 12964-12975.
Garcia, J.; Herrera, J. & Castañeda, R. (2006), Incoherent recovering of the spatial resolution in digital holography. Optics Communications, 260(1), 62-67.
Garcia, J. & Casta~neda, R. (2011), Non-approximated numerical modeling of propagation of light in any state of spatial coherence. Optics Express, 19(25), 25022-25034.
Khmaladze, A.; Restrepo, A.; Kim, M.; Castañeda, R. & Blandon, A. (2008), Simultaneous dual-wavelength reflection digital holography applied to the study of the porous coal samples. Applied Optics, 47(21), 1-8.
Matteucci, G.; Castañeda, R.; Serna, S.; Medina, F. & Garcia, J. (2010), Discovering the puzzling behaviour of electrons with the Grimaldi-Young experiment. European Journal Of Physics, 31, 347-356.
Medina, F.; Garcia, J.; Castañeda, R. & Matteucci G. (2004), Angular criterion to distinguish between Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Optik, 115(11), 547-552.
Migliori, A.; Medina, F.; Castañeda, R. & Matteucci, G. (2009), An experiment on the particle-wave nature of electrons. European Journal Of Physics, 30, 217-226.
Muñoz, H. & Casta~neda, R. (2013), Phase-space non-paraxial propagation modes of optical fields in any state of spatial coherence. Optics Express, 21(9), 1127611293.
Pelaez, A.; Pareja, A.; Garcia, C.; Marquez, M.; Toro, A.; Castañeda, R. & Abad, P. (2005), Genotoxicity Effects of Ceramic Coatings Applied on Metallic Substrates Using Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay In Vitro. Key Engineering Materials, 284, 593-596.
Restrepo, A.; Herrera, J.; Casta~neda, R.; Mann, C. & Kim, C. (2006), Transmission digital holography microscopy applied to the study of coal palynofacies. Spie Proceedings, 6292, 19.
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