Evaluación de la calidad del aire mediante la estimación y comparación de curvas típicas no paramétricas
Evaluation of air quality through estimation and comparison of typical non parametric curves
Estadística no paramétrica, métodos estadísticos, métodos gráficos, contaminación atmosférica (es)Nonparametric statistics, statistical methods, graphical methods, air pollution (en)
We estimate typical daily curves for the pollutants carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone in the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 in Cali city, by means of a nonparametric smoothing technique. The curves evolution is studied through statistical comparison using a nonparametric analysis of covariance, hoping to find out patterns and trends. The results show the existence of a statistically significant reduction in the typical pollution levels throughout the years. The data comes from the stations of the Air Quality Monitoring Network.
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