Estudio geotécnico de un suelo tropical para determinar su estado de meteorización y su efecto en las propiedades mecánicas
Geotechnical study of a tropical soil to determine the state of weathering and the effect on the mechanical properties
Meteorización, suelo laterítico, zona tropical (es)Lateritic soil, tropical region, weathering (en)
The weather is one of the factors that in uence the behavior of the soil and has great importance in the weathering process. In view of this, we studied a soil in a humid tropical weather, in order to establish its state of weathering and the eect that such weathering has on the mechanical properties of the soil; which were performed for various characterizations of the material by specic laboratory tests for tropical soils, that led to discover a young lateritic soil with low amount of sesquioxides and few aggregations, that confer a negligible internal erodibility and low capacity of disaggregation.
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