Validación de un método para el análisis de residualidad de plaguicidas en aguacate Hass
Validation of a method for pesticide residue analysis in hass avocado
Aguacate Hass, Análisis de residualidad, QuEChERS, validación (es)Hass Avocado, Residue analysis, QuEChERS, validation (en)
The avocado is a fruit with a large content of fats and the Hass sort is the one with highest amount of pigments and phenolic compounds, it becomes in a complex matrix for residue pesticides
analysis. A multi-residue method for the determination of 3 pesticides in Hass avocado was validated. The QuEChERS technique was applied following a modication of AOAC 2007.1 protocol; samples were extracted with acidied acetonitrile, MgSO4 and CH3COONa and cleaned up by dispersive solid phase extraction with a mixture of sorbents: primary secondary amine (PSA), octadecyl (C18) and graphitized carbon black (GCB). The pesticides were analyzed by GC-ECD. The linear analysis was obtained correlations of 0,9908 for dimethoate, 0,9968 for malathion and 0,9965 for deltamethrin and signicance tests were met. The matrix effect causes an improvement in the sensitivity of the calibration curve for the concentration of product in the extraction sample. The quantication limits for the three compounds was 0,02mg/kg with uncertainty estimates lowers that 50%. The precision and accuracy criteria were met, achieving a successful validation.
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