

Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia


  • Ilich Ruiz Reynel Executive Director CreActividad Foundation; principal philosopher Nudo-Tanque de Pensamiento “El vuelo del colibrí” (alternative development advisors sors 2009).

The present article proposes that for the decade between 2010-2019, the curl Paradigm Region-Vocation would be an alternative concrete and located to the territorial imperative of the own thing forms from the own thing in response to the current career competitiveness. For it raises the following thematic sequence: a) Nariño development visions; b) Territorial marketing; c) Paradigma-Región and Nariño’s Vocation-Region (central reflection from theoretical exposition). The aim is to contribute conceptual bases to Nariño’s current dilemma of achieving a condition of coexistence between the rural worlds of the industrialization and the conservation.


Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia


Paradigma-región y vocación-región en Nariño, Colombia


Ilich Ruiz- Reynel1,2

1 Executive Director CreActividad Foundation; principal philosopher Nudo-Tanque de Pensamiento El vuelo del colibrí (alternative development advisors for Nariño Planning Secretary between 2001-2003, 2004-2007); Competitiveness Regional Committee of Nariño: Competitiveness Regional Plan, 2009).
2 Corresponding author:

Received for publication: 1 August, 2010. Accepted for publication: 2 February, 2011.


The present article proposes that for the decade between 2010-2019, the curl Paradigm Region-Vocation would be an alternative concrete and located to the territorial imperative of the own thing forms from the own thing in response to the current career competitiveness. For it raises the following thematic sequence: a) Nariño development visions; b) Territorial marketing; c) Paradigma-Región and Nariño's Vocation-Region (central reflection from theoretical exposition). The aim is to contribute conceptual bases to Nariño's current dilemma of achieving a condition of coexistence between the rural worlds of the industrialization and the conservation.

Key words: emergent economy, Panamazonic region, world class sectors.


En el presente artículo avisora y propone que entre 2010-2019, el bucle Paradigma Región-Vocación representaría una alternativa concreta y localizada al imperativo territorial de configurar lo propio desde lo propio en respuesta a la carrera de competitividad actual. Para ello se plantea la siguiente secuencia temática: a) Visiones de desarrollo para Nariño; b) Mercadeo Territorial en Nariño; c) Paradigma-Región y Vocación-Región de Nariño (reflexión central desde un planteamiento teórico). Se pretende aportar bases conceptuales frente al dilema actual que afronta el Departamento de Nariño: lograr la coexistencia entre los mundos rurales de la industrialización y la conservación.

Palabras clave: economía emergente, región Panamazónica, sectores de clase mundial.



When you start in Colombia third decade of economic liberalization, are compared in several regions differing expectations about what will be the decade 2010-2019 with respect to regional development, as Colombia expresses one of the best emerging economies3 in Latin America profiled in parallel with the latent global financial crisis. Thus, the crucial decade 2010-2019 reflects a seemingly opportune time to highlight the competitiveness of Colombian regions, which will be understood from the intradepartmental and interdepartmental level4 . This becomes very important due to expectations that the Bank deposited on the recovery of emerging economies such as final mark for the recovery of the crisis (Dailami and Timmer, 2009).

The notion of regional competitiveness today intended to replace the paradigm of development in the regions of Colombia, cuts across the traditional export products, which means accelerating regional industrialization, even in contrast to a national structure in mostly rural areas and non-industrialized. Such export is represented by worldclass sectors (SCM)5 , which the Colombian productive transformation program are those that are in high demand in the global economy where Colombia has the opportunity to have a growth of 10 times per sector in the short term (Gartner, 2009). The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism defined 8 sectors divided into two areas: "More and more of the good" (auto, printing industry, electricity, goods and services, textile, clothing, fashion and design) and "New and emerging" (remote outsourcing services, software and IT services, cosmetics and toiletries, health tourism) (MCIT, 2009).

In Colombia, about 90% of the production is concentrated in Bogotá, which suggests that only regions such as Valle del Cauca, now renamed the "Valley of the Pacific", seem to be able to benefit from this juncture of the SCM, on which it is intended to focus, set the tone and leading Colombian competitive on the international stage next.

It is from this maximum competitiveness Colombian regions like Nariño are embedded at a crossroads: on the one hand, it should participate in the SCM since everything is done in Nariño in industrialization to become a key Pacific in the negotiations, on the other hand, is disadvantageous to participate in the SCM as in Nariño do not have actual competitive conditions to enjoy tangible results swiftly to engage the productive toward that end. This requires defining a regional position against such possibilities tempting but risky.

This decision is known as Regional bet6 , where a whole region turns its intentions and efforts toward a common purpose which fully corresponds to the territorial reality and the vision of developing harmonized with that reality congruence which is recognized under the term Adjusted Development7

In that order, Nariño emphasizes that includes a rural area with bio-geographical characteristics and ethno-exceptional population Colombia, which will define the shape and levels of competitiveness which will compete. In this regard, there are several positions and especially two versions ranging from viewing the non-rural industrialization in Nariño as an advantage or a disadvantage.

For CreActivity Foundation (FC) version follows the lead opinion that a non-industrialized territory to explore and enjoy alternative sources of progress and competitiveness based on the conservatism of non-harmful ways of life and harmonics, while the version disadvantage due to the criterion on which a non-industrialized country is seen as a wasted land that has not been exploited profitably and consistently, looking like a potential territory from its use full power intact.

Is obtained for the competitive future of Nariño is going through a dilemma: to bet on a region with great potential for industrialization or bet on the complexity regional territories for the conservation and creative promotion.

So this reflection seeks to expose the current dilemma of Nariño: to achieve a state of coexistence between the worlds of industrialization and rural conservation. It is necessary to think so from the Knot-Think Tank "The Flight of the Hummingbird" CreActivity Foundation (NTP: VC-FC) region is called Paradigm-designed as a source of inspiration to the Calling-Region.

In order to dig this reflection is required to address the following topics: a) Nariño development visions, which shows the evolutionary development discursively; b) Territorial marketing, which illustrates the essence of rural and indigenous potential competitive implications exogenous; c) Paradigm-Region and Nariño's Vocation-Region, where the theoretical approaches emerging, laying the foundation for addressing sensitive industry then calls in Nariño, in response to the dilemma of harmonizing industrial and conservation

Nariño development visions

The FC has been exercising the past decade a number of academic and scientific processes and socio-political-institutional thoughts on changing allies concerning alternative to the idea as a destination for Nariño consistent. These processes had to experience adhesions and resistance from the leading exponents of old structures Nariño thinking on regional development obeyed and, especially, suffered from the syndrome of the conflict paradigm of orthodox doctrines of "left" and "right", meaning them as "pro-Marxist- socialist principles" and "pro-neoliberal principles," respectively. Interestingly, this conflict did not cause strong positive impact on the styles of governance and governance within each transition of power, especially when only half a decade ago in Nariño experienced a socio-ecological crisis outside their traditional idiosyncrasies, where the positions of thought old and emerging Nariño were challenged to consider new solution schemes do address it with rampant social mobility of immigrant populations from violent backgrounds term impact the lifestyle of "living well" established by long ancestral generations in Nariño8.

Aware of this, from the NTP: VC-FC had an educational campaign showing traditional and new situations in Nariño from the optimistic and strategic revolved around the regional potential of Nariño had complex patterns reflected in two scenarios9. virtuous and vicious. This thought process referred to alternative development concept for the magical world of Nariño, has nurtured strategic scenarios involving, sometimes temporary and sometimes sustained, the main agents of development in the region.

In this peculiar transition of knowledge, Nariño, between 2000 and 2009, was a struggle over what I was looking sparse and common development horizon: on the one side were those who wanted a Nariño not so isolated from the rest of the country10,either by their desire to integrate social processes exerted from more open to cultural exchange and political inertia or a strategic policy makers and technocrats sought to attract more resources from the Colombian State to align their regional economic development policies Conpes issued from the West.

On the other hand, were those who were reluctant to join the country based on the idea of seeing Nariño as an independent republic to be heir to this mega-strategic region, a multiversity territory with huge potential to revive its status as pre-Columbian and Republican rule. This introverted rejection from much of the town to retain a bicentennial Nariño ridicule, public humiliation, national exclusion, neglect and unpunished massacres that Colombia Nariño11 historically owed, the final calculations that assume a high price Nariño is still paying for having supported the Spanish Crown12during the campaign Bolivarian independence13.

In summary, there are two views: a regional development that follows the central path or trace regional development and follows its own path. However, in 2009, from FC begins to approximate a first synthesis of these visions to be developed below.

Nariño marketing planning in Nariño The term Territorial Marketing (MT)14began to be used intensively in Spanish speaking countries in the early 2000 in parallel with the global positioning of the tourism industry. Today it is observed that non-industrialized15 regions with a vocation of indefinite development, they need to venture into the MT. The latter occurs when the characteristics of non-industrialized territory constitute the type of development appropriate for it, and not vice versa, when the industrialized areas because of its robust structure, able to compete easily adapted for conditioning the overall pace the market.

The MT is to show the best possible competitive advantage of the territory, even when the same non-industrialized country with all its untapped development potential is itself a competitive advantage offered. This first form of MT focuses on the great advantage of the territory itself, itself based on their specific comparative advantages that have come to be sub-managed. A second form of MT is focused on enhancing the competitiveness already configured and constructed, expressed in semi-industrialized areas and industrialized countries.

In any case, the MT is to "sell the territory" as the export advantage, where the product itself is competitive differentiation potential of the territory itself, through which it manages to attract the attention of various agents who, convinced the potential risk, investment promotion foster16 competitiveness.

As above, it should be brought forward Nariño their own process of MT, since it has not been an industrialized region and therefore has no right characteristics to align with global competitiveness parameters required in regions with moderately consolidated industrial apparatus.

In Nariño and Colombia are often noted the socio-geographical territory as a defect Nariño, however, was the FC who argued that in this complex are defective keys Nariño alternative development that underlie its success to assume it as power in the region as it promotes the deployment of its subregions of knowledge vital to the planet. Nariño in their biology and culture through authentic knowledge, expresses its future marketing territorial level (Ruiz and Mora, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010).

Finally, it is necessary to further distinguish that an effective process of MT in Nariño, the area required to define themselves first before expanding its competitiveness on strategic product lines and bet on the market believes. Thus, an MT system being fitted in the first instance makes a self-promotion territory glocally17 from inbound tourism from the products of appellation of origin of export privileges and from landmarks sociopolitical and cultural kind that attract the eye of considerable capital for local investment. This is what territorial self from the NTP: VC-FC paradigm has wanted to call-region leading to the famous vocation-Region.

Nariño Paradigm-Region

Paradigm-Region (PR) is to set the self-conception of region, so the territory can be known, recognized, promoted, as there is sufficient knowledge of possession of the region itself: State of Knowledge. Thus, a country is worthy of his own PR when he does raise their levels of self-consciousness, that is, their ability based on his wisdom native composition, where the territory timely understand their world position in the world, well what Sabogal (2010) mentioned quoting Tolstoy, who said: "Know your village and you will be universal". "Only what you love and know only what we love, protect and promotes"18. The same happens when a territory has its own PR when deciding set and builds the identity of his people from their land.

The identity principle embraces the concept of identification: the identity corresponds to the symbolic weight of a territorial system that describes personality that land, that is, a definition of regional self in all its complexity included. The identification corresponds to the display surface reflects a territory from its position to the other regions of the country and the world.

The identity or personality of the territory has to do with the regional spirit, while the identification of the territory has to do with the image it projects from the Regional Brand and different competitive measurements involved. Identification can be generated by actors and external environments to the territory, the construction of identity is only in the hands of the various development actors own territory.

The key figure to PR would give: discovery of the endogenous potential19 of the territory, ownership of territory20, global megatrends distinction that can refer to the territory21and acceptance of the imaginary over the territory22. These keys are derived from the Energy Value CREACTIVE23which integrate harmoniously from the active-creative spark should correspond to a strategy of maximizing intuition.

Therefore, a PR corresponds to a faithful expression of harmony proper to the territory that seeks to preserve and promote its authenticity as a territory and people, leading to regional spirit that needs to be reflected in a transcendent Insignia, where the area can contain and convey so simple all its complexity, ie, his whole being and life, as the territory itself is conceived as a living being with its own personality.

In Nariño has already thought of some models of alternative development sui generis sponsored from the configuration of self-Region Paradigm Nariño, as in the case of the postulated "Flight of the Hummingbird," which manages to argue a possible Nariño region seen as a potential reaching development in the midst of its own complexity. The philosophy of the hummingbird, in addition to being Nariño Regional Totem24 becomes the aforementioned Insignia transcendent. Regional Totem This describes the life and self-leadership style of Nariño and therefore its own development mode. Finally, a PR in all its authenticity (spirit, knowledge, imagination, identity, personality, insignia totem) needs to channel the energy system of its complexity through a medium and a strategic game described in the scenario of Vocation-Region.

Nariño Vocation-Region

Vocation-region (VR) is looking for a territory to achieve the maximum result-consistency, ie to achieve success together with transcendence: a region territorial winner retain their authenticity.

The territories have not set their own VR often frustrated, because while the VR was made to guarantee the results forcefully, not conducive to possess little chance of success with results that are no longer competitive spread betting without a trace of concern to the region, ie without property or leadership projects for regional identity. The latter occurs when the VR does not come from a thorough process and concerted PR. However, the territory that has acquired its own VR from PR is fully convinced of his true potential, raising a decisive character in leadership development from the territorial to be tapped and no.

Therefore, the VR should have the collective will to ensure territorial local development actions in the system in the exogenous and endogenous, collective intelligence in the case of multiple wills in the territory, which emanate from the need to respond creatively to the complex territorial , and generate strategic investment attraction parallel to the progress or economic growth, competitiveness.

A territory that creates incentives25 for safety flange itself to actual and potential investors, own and guests, due to consistency in their results, is a territory that seeks to project itself as a region that is always in fashion because of its constant processes of authenticity and social innovation, that reflect more clearly the synergy of all types of wills land above.

The VR allows a country to shine, to determine the horizon it seeks to transcend from the historically recognized strengths and favorable short-term in those scenarios in which you can explore in the near future, ie. in those scenarios and products they could have chance of success visible, accurate and sustainable. VR can have all the power to prosecute territorial towards a strategic focus where all social forces, multiple land resources, institutional projects, development planning and finally all the inputs that are activated by local economic development agencies to end up translating in a matter of approach or effective concentration of the purposes of the region.

The VR refers specifically to the collective construction of a common strategic horizon mode supported by a regional development and generational responsibility cognitive significance26. The VR is explained when the essence of a stochastic region takes a course "lead alertness27", and its global competitive decision becomes processed in the range of options and scenarios as an end product for a plan of territorial life style own brand distinguished leadership in regional and territorial personality28. Hence it is important to define the global and local target to which a country wants to get from its own public value, the particular path to follow, how to exercise governance over the development model you want to live, etc.. VR is then to decide how to live and, consequently, the mode of living to compete internally and externally.

VR is understood that the development is the figure that takes a region to a particular competitive deployment, so the PR is the substance and the VR is the container where this substance is deposited. The VR is supported by a high sense of: a) Regional belonging (regional possibility)29 and, b) Contextual relevance (competitive strategy). Here is more apparent than the regional spirit that dares to launch the appropriate bets based on a competitive strategic thematic territory, which are built around the various regional development scenarios.



The VR is responsible for giving boost to the PR to realize the imaginary region in a process-product30 of real competitiveness. Thus, the development of a vocation is well-defined territory if it can explain itself through its process-product of Factor Theme translated region, ie. a topic that will be peculiar to the region under which is endogenous its full potential, making smart and strategic leadership in regional competitiveness that is applicable in environments endogenous and exogenous environments, especially, as is the case of the VR 2009 "in Nariño sensitive industries" from of PR "Nariño, Sensible Territory."

3 It refers to the rapid pace of economic growth of a nation that allows you to jump in productivity to become an upper middle income country, setting
a new position in global competitiveness.

4 Geographical areas defined in departmental blocks. Colombian Pacific region consists of four departments: Nariño, Valle, Chocó and Cauca has only
one industrial capacity (Valle) to take advantage of competitive trend in Colombia, the other departments are largely rural with high rates of social

5 This projection was consolidated in 2009 becoming the central strategy to promote national competitiveness with global visibility. Only a few semiindustrialized
regions of the national territory would enjoy its infancy.

6That process begins with the Regional Competitive DNP, Governments and Chambers of Commerce, through the department productive agenda aimed at production chains (2006-2007). In 2008-2009, involving the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and take the form of regional competitiveness, achieving greater efficiency in regional competitiveness under the concept of productivity and encompassing than the subjectivity of the issue tactical development.

7Concept proposed by the present author (2003).

8 Nariño department began to suffer the consequences of violence from the immigration of people displaced by the effects of Plan Colombia. Unlawful practices of the immigrants were replicated in several areas of Nariño, degrading the social fabric in rural areas first, then in urban areas. The contrast of wealth-poverty over the same context, were among others, the series of crises faced and faces as Nariño progressively loses the title of "haven of peace."

9 Complexity of Nariño is all that potential untouched by immigration. Vicious complexity is flawed immigration situations with which they began to live and worse, to accept as a means of subsistence. It is unclear the meaning of this phrase. Who began to live together and accept? Does the department of Nariño?

10 There are still ways behind to perceive Nariño as "other Colombia" agreed with Ecuador and geopolitical friend historic social resistance positions in their desire to domestic demand.

11 As Black Christmas Night in which, from an unprecedented military strategy, were massacred entire Pasto families thereby violating fundamental rights treaty.

12 The painter and soldier John Augustine accepted the royal title Agualongo highest military awarded by the Spanish Crown, Brigadier General of the Spanish troops, title Creole always aspired to Bolivar. Agualongo, to defend the Spanish cause on account of the conditions of freedom of thought pastuso people, made opposition to the infatuation front of Bolivar against Pasto people beating him at every opportunity.

13 Liberating promises offered by the Bolivarian independence campaign pastuso the people were inferior to that achieved by this people in direct agreement with the crown, without revolution. Meant to defend Spanish interests to defend the interests of Pasto and lifestyle in balance with the Spanish nobles in trade, quality of life and education, among others, for alternative ways to indiscriminate violence or organized rebellion. Some people argue that Grass was the first free trade agreement in South America, as well as the futuristic first province ahead of the times and was already thinking about foreign relations of cooperation for regional development. Pasto, from the beginning has been constituted as a peculiar source of political diplomacy arise where alternative ideologies most relevant to political events in Colombia.

14 One of the best exponents of Hispanics in the matter is Romeo Cotorruelo (see Cotorruelo, 2003).

15 Non-industrialized regions should not be considered as sites with no industry but have a very light industrial presence. This is dependent territories whose production profile of the rural.

16 According to NTP: VC-FC, cooperation "promotion" of cooperation differs "repair". Cooperation in promoting progressive initiatives being promoted in the territory involved. In cooperation repair-resolved offrebuild communities affected by war and / or state abandonment.

17NTP: VC-FC Glocalization understood as a term used in local economic development issues, which is to mitigate the local impacts from global fosteredas a method of protection against global threats or as a method of "adaptation-introjection" exogenous conditions of globalizing.

18Tomada y adaptada de la frase "Conocer para amar, amar para defender" – Asociación para el desarrollo campesino ADC.

19View Giancarlo Canzanelli.

20Territorial virtue of belonging: to know, love, defend-believe in the region to promote it in time and space. Regionalism in the spirit of those who fall in love with life and unique worlds within its territory.

21Land of opportunity under: knowledge monitoring strategic environments of opportunity to be exploited from a paradigm of Megatrends Observatory (Ruiz and Mora, 2004).

22Virtue territorial diversity: harnessing the facets and / or worlds of the territory. Unlike the more specialized, more wealth.

23Creactive Energy Value refers to the spiritual dimension of development in the postulate of relational dimensional unpublished manuscript form Thesis: "An alternative development thinking from qualitative capital approach" (Ruiz and Mora, 2004).

24Término propuesto por el presente autor en 2006 desde el NTP:VC-FC, para referirse a la relación de un territorio con un animal insignia que evoque significaciones distintas a las del escudo. Desde la FC se divulga: "¿Por qué ser águila, si somos colibrí?". Se aplica para Nariño como una de las regiones tropicales endémicas latinoamericanas.

25Attractive set of tangible-intangible asset type that generates public value local actions on territorial potentials natural-artificial-mixed (eg social profitability levels of local citizenship).

26Term proposed by the present author in 2005 from the NTP: VC-FC, which transcends the concept and corporate social responsibility policy, referring to the global commitment to conservation-territory solver (biotic and abiotic).

27"Derive on alert" is a thought ancestral worldview of pastures used by Max Neef in his "Principles of Economics barefoot" with which she was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize of Economy, based on mode life of the people of the Grassland, located in the province of Carchi (northern Ecuador) and Obando Exprovincia Nariño department (southwestern Colombia), where today's first free zone develops Agroindustrial department.

28Term proposed by the present author in 2005 from the NTP: VC-FC, is to overcome the conventional idea of personality complemented by two new forms of person other than the human and legal person: * * Divine Person and Territorial Person and / or Regional , classified in levels. 1 individual: individual; 2 organizational, legal person, 3 Territorial regional person, 4-universal spiritual Divine person.

29Term of this author's own thinking-Ability Principle. Previously thought of a national-socialism, they would now think of a possibility that regional-possible worlds is also possible in a region of their worlds. In Kasiyadú (Fals, 2001) stresses the "territorial awakening." Reyes (2001) provides ethnocentric attitudes from modernity and globalization.

30In the process-product Nariño began in March 2009 with the formulation of the Nariño Regional Competitiveness and the new plan of LEDA Nariño.


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How to Cite


Ruiz Reynel, I. (2011). Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia. Agronomía Colombiana, 29(1), 147–152.


Ruiz Reynel, I. 2011. Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia. Agronomía Colombiana. 29, 1 (Jan. 2011), 147–152.


Ruiz Reynel, I. Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia. Agron. Colomb. 2011, 29, 147-152.


RUIZ REYNEL, I. Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia. Agronomía Colombiana, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 1, p. 147–152, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.


Ruiz Reynel, Ilich. 2011. “Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia”. Agronomía Colombiana 29 (1):147-52.


Ruiz Reynel, I. (2011) “Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia”, Agronomía Colombiana, 29(1), pp. 147–152. Available at: (Accessed: 13 March 2025).


I. Ruiz Reynel, “Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia”, Agron. Colomb., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 147–152, Jan. 2011.


Ruiz Reynel, I. “Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia”. Agronomía Colombiana, vol. 29, no. 1, Jan. 2011, pp. 147-52,


Ruiz Reynel, Ilich. “Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia”. Agronomía Colombiana 29, no. 1 (January 1, 2011): 147–152. Accessed March 13, 2025.


Ruiz Reynel I. Paradigm-region and vocation-region in Nariño department, Colombia. Agron. Colomb. [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];29(1):147-52. Available from:

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