Evaluación, en condiciones de laboratorio, de la actividad insecticida de extractos Etanolicos de cinco especies de plantas sobre Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
Laboratory evaluation of the insecticidal activity of five plant species on Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
tecia so/anivora, solanum phureja, extractos vegetales, fitoinsecticidas (es)plants extracts, solanum phureja (en)
Se encontró que la actividad de los extractos se registra a partir de 1.000 ppm y que los extractos de E globulus, B samacana y N physaloides afectan la tasa de empupamiento; el mayor nivel de daño se registró en los niveles 1 y 2 ( O- 25% y 26 - 50% respectivamente). En las unidades tratadas
con el extracto de B samacana se presentaron valores similares en las tasas de empupamiento para los períodos de 20 y 25 días después del tratamiento (ddt): no hubo diferencias en la emergencia de adultos por causa de los extractos.
Extract were used 100, 1.000 and 10.000 ppm,to determine effects on the development of Tecia solanivora (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). The desing was a randomized completely, where the experimental unit were 500 grs of Solanum phureja, the units were sumerged in the plant extracts during five minutes and after evaporating the solvent, 15 1st instar larvae were placed to infested the potatoes. The variables measured were percentage of pupation, days of pupation, emergence of the adults and tubercule damage levels. The activity of the extracts began at 1.000 ppm, the extracts from E. globulus affects the pupation rate; damage was registered on the 1st and 2nd levels (O - 25 and 26 - 50 % respectively). On the units treated with the B sama cana extract, similar pupation rates were present, for the 20 and 25 days after the treatment (ddt); differences in the emergence of the adults were observed no as a result of the treatments.
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