Efecto de la salinidad por cloruro de sodio sobre el balance de nutrientes en plantas de lulo (Solanum quitoense L.)
solanaceae, cationes, aniones, estrés, sodio, cloro (es)solanaceae, anions, cations, stress, sodium, chloride (en)
de NaCl en concentraciones de 30 y 60 mM de NaCl además de la solución de Wuxal. Los testigos se regaron, sólo, con la solución de Wuxal N (1 ppm). Para el análisis de K+, Ca2+,Mg2+y Na", se utilizó un espectrofotómetro de absorción atómica; el Cl se analizó mediante un clorímetro. La acumulación de Cl y Na+ en los tejidos analizados presentaron una tendencia escalonada típica de acuerdo con la concentración de NaCI en la solución nutritiva. La sal indujo una reducción de la concentración de K+en hojas y tallos. El valor de las relaciones Na/Ca, Na/Mg, Na/K y Na/ Ca+Mg+K se incrementó en hojas y tallos con la concentración de
NaCl en la solución. El Na+ se acumuló en mayor proporción en las raíces que en las hojas y los tallos. Con base en los resultados expuestos, se puede catalogar al Lulo, al igual que otras Solanáceas, como una planta que presenta una tolerancia moderada a la salinidad por NaCl.
Concentrations of K+, Ca2+,Mg2+,Na+ and Cl were ana1yzed inleaves, shots and roots of lulo iSolanum quitoense L.). Plants were grown under salt stress at greenhouse conditions. The <, experiment site was the Horticulture Institute of the Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany). The influence ofNaCI salinity on the uptake of analyzed ions, salinity accumulation and distribution into the plant tissues and ratio ions were al so researched throughout this experiment. Plants were supplied with a nutrient solution of Wuxal (1 ppm) (Schering, Germany). AII plants were transferred to bigger pots with quartz sand, six weeks after germination. After a one-week adaptation period, the salt treatments were initiated with 30 and 60 of mM NaCI in Wuxal solution. Controls were supplied only with Wuxal solution 1ppm. K+,Ca2+, Mg2 + and Na+ concentrations were determinated through atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Cl was conclusive through the use of chloride meter. Cl and Na+accumulation in tissues presented a trend similar to the NaCI concentration in the nutrient solution. The salt lessened K+ concentration in leaves and shoots. Na/Ca, Na/Mg, Na/K and Na/Ca+Mg+K ratios were increased in leaves and shoots throughout the NaCI concentration in the nutrient solution. Na+ accumulation was greater in roots that in shoots and leaves. These results suggest that Lulo might be a moderately salt-tolerant plant comparable to other Solanaceae species.
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