Aplicación de un cebo insecticida para el control de adultos de Tecia solanivora (Povolny) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) en papa
Application of an insecticidal bait to control adults of Tecia solanivora (Povolny) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in potato
cebo, mortalidad, tecia solanivora, chlorpyrifos, betacyfluthrin (es)mortality, tecia solanivora, chlorpyrifos, betacyfluthrin (en)
20 adultos de T. Solanivora (10 hembras y 10 machos); los tratamientos fueron aplicados por aspersión y en trampa,
el primero, se hizo con un microaspersor de espalda al tercio
inferior de una de las cuatro plantas y el segundo, impregnando la solución en oasis. Las variables evaluadas fueron porcentaje de mortalidad, incidencia del daño en tubérculos y severidad del daño expresado en el porcentaje de infestación. En el experimento de invernadero Chlorpyrifos-Betacyfluthrin EC 450 a una dosis de 1,Ocm3/L y en mezcla con miel al 15% logró un porcentaje de mortalidad acumulado mayor (72,5%) y un porcentaje de eficacia del producto de 69,4%, además se obtuvo un menor porcentaje de infestación del daño de los tubérculos (11,3%). No hubo diferencias significativas entre la aplicación por aspersión y en trampa.
insecticide bait with the help of a sugary substance to control
adults of Tecia solanivora (Povolny) (Lepidoptera:
Gelechiidae), tests were carried out in laboratory and under
greenhouse, at the Agronomy School at the National
University of Colombia, in Bogotá. A breeding was managed
in the Laboratory of Entomology to obtain the entomology
material for the different tests. Four attractants were
evaluated: Sugar, molasses, honey and panela (a kind of brown sugar). Honey resulted as the most attractive substance. Three insecticides (with and without honey) as a bait were tested in the laboratory trial: Beta-cyfluthrin EC 0,25; Chlorpyrifos-Betacyfluthrin EC 450 and Chlorpyrifos-
Betacyfluthrin EC 262,5, with two doses each: 0,5 cmvl, and
1,0 cml/l.; with the best two insecticides (Chlorpyrifos-
Betacyfluthrin EC 450 and Chlorpyrifos-Betacyfluthrin EC
262,5) we did a greenhouse trial, caging four plants ofpotato,
variety "parda pastusa", and placing 20 adults of T.
solanivora (10 females and 10 males) inside each cage. Two
methods were used to apply the treatments: a spray to the
inferior third of one of the four plants and a recipient trap
containing the insecticide bait. The design was a completely
randomized block (RCB) with four replications. The variables
evaluated were per cent mortality to calculate percent
effectiveness with the Schneider-Orelli method, per cent
incidence ofthe tubers and per cent infestation ofthe tubers.
In the greenhouse experiment Chlorpyrifos-Betacyfluthrin EC
450 (1 ,Ocm3/L) with honey gave the highest per cent mortality (72,5%), the highest per cent effectiveness (69,4%) and the lowest percentage of tuber infestation (11,3%). There was no significant difference between the spraying methods and the recipient trap to apply the insecticidal bait.
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