Analysis of the transformer windings connections to reduce harmonics in electrical distribution systems.
Palabras clave:
Transformer windings connection, phase-shifting transformers, V-V transformer, Le-Blanc transformer, Impedance matching transformer, THDI, electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic compability, power quality. (es)
This paper presents some guidelines and mitigation strategies to reduce harmonics in electrical distribution systems, by the incorporating specially transformer connections and transformers windings connections or phase shifting transformers. The study of some models of nonlinear loads in distribution systems is performed, through the incorporation of transformers with different winding connections. The increase of non-linear loads in the supply network, specifically the proliferation of harmonic type loads, the ferromagnetic devices in saturation as well as the susceptibility of the system and the equipment are research topics of interest. The models of nonlinear loads and phase shifting transformers are implemented in ATP-EMTP. Simulations of cases with different transformer windings connection are performed in a IEEE test feeder. The analysis identifies and concludes on the transformers connections and the reduction of harmonics levels in the electrical distribution systems.