Dispatch Model of Generation and Number of Generating Units in Hydro Generation Systems
Palabras clave:
Dispatch, Hydroelectric, Water Flow, Electrical Power (es)Descargas
The problem of dispatching generation of hydroelectric systems is considered as a large problem, the hydroelectric production function is composed of non-linear variables, interrelated, coupled in time and often dependent on one another, when dealing with localized power plants in the same river basin. The dynamics of these variables over time is different from each other. The level of the reservoir shows minimum variations in the short term horizon, differently to the level of the leakage channel that responds immediately to the variations of the discharge.
The generation dispatch of the thermoelectric systems uses as a criterion of performance the fuel consumption and the associated cost to this one, different to the case of the hydroelectric ones that use the water to produce the electrical energy, to which it is not possible to directly assign a value of cost. However, in a hydroelectric generation system, efficiency must be sought by adopting as a performance criterion to define the generation clearance the volume of water used for production. This work presents a model of generation dispatch and number of generating units of a hydroelectric generation system, adopting as a performance criterion the volume of the turbine flow. For this purpose, the hydroelectric production function, through an iterative process that takes into account the performance curve of the turbine, the generator, the hydraulic losses and the variations of the leakage channel, is replaced by a function that measures The turbine flow rate for each unit of power generated.
The problem is formulated as a classic problem of thermoelectric generation dispatch with constraints associated with the capacity of the generating units, of meeting the demand and generation goal. As a solution technique, the classic Lambda dual method was adopted and implemented in Matlab. As case study applied to a real system shows increase in efficiency and good computational performance in terms of processing time.
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Derechos de autor 2018 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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