Expansion Planning of Distribution Networks Comprising Reliability: An Enhanced Model Incorporating Post-Fault Reconfiguration
Palabras clave:
Distribution networks, Expansion planning, pPost-fault reconfiguration, Reliability assessment, Scenario-based model (en)Descargas
Different expansion planning models have been proposed in the literature to consider not only the optimal asset allocation in the network but also to include the reliability assessment. However, most of the models cannot integrate the effect of post-fault reconfiguration into the reliability assessment due to the complex dependence between reliability and the network topology as well as the high number of switching possi- bilities. To address some of these challenges, this paper proposes the integration of reliability considering the influence of post- fault reconfiguration in a scenario-based mixed-integer linear programming model. Differently from previous approaches, the model is not based on the use of fictitious flows and does not require that all branches are switchable. The results show that the model effectively integrates the reliability assessment into the expansion planning problem. Tests using a 24-node distribution system indicate that a different expansion plan is found if post- fault reconfiguration is considered in the reliability calculation.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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