Branch Optimal Power Flow Model for DC Networks with Radial Structure: a Conic Relaxation
Palabras clave:
Convex reformulation, direct current networks, nonlinear optimization, numerical example, second-order cone programming (en)Descargas
In this paper, the problem of the optimal power flow analysis in radial direct current (DC) distribution networks is addressed, from the point of view of convex optimization. An alternative option of optimal power flow formulation that uses power and current flows through all the lines combined with nodal voltages is presented, instead of the classical nodal formulation. The proposed convex relaxation allows to rewrite the power flow at each line, i.e., pjk = vj ijk as a second-order cone equivalent using its hyperbolic representation. The resulting second-order cone programming (SOCP) model is easily solvable via interior point methods and guarantees the optimum global solution due to the convexity properties of the solution space. Numerical comparisons with classical metaheuristics such as ge- netic algorithm, vortex search algorithm, black hole optimization, sine cosine algorithm, and interior-point methods available in GAMS software demonstrate the global optimization capabilities of the proposed SOCP branch optimal power flow model. All the simulations are carried out in MATLAB 2017a using the CVX tool and the MOSEK solver.
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