

Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability

Palabras clave:

Network Congestion, Distributed Generation, Microgrids, Islanding Operation, Distributed Energy Resources, Distribution Network (en)


  • Leidy Daniela Castro Montilla Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • José David Beltrán Gallego Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Alexandra Castro Valencia Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Camilo Augusto Giraldo Muñoz Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Dahiana López Garcia Universidad Nacional de Colombia

The growing demand for electricity in the world has led to power systems having to constantly increase their generation capacity and expand their transmission and distribution systems. Consequently, distributed generation has positioned as a technology able to integrate generation close to consumption centers, freeing up capacity in the transport systems, which can be translated into a deferral of investments in network expansion. Therefore, this paper analyzes the impact of the inclusion of distributed generation in the congestion of a typical distribution network and evaluates the potential of providing the island operation capability ancillary service in a section of the system to identify the possible challenges and benefits that the development of this technical support service could have in typical Colombian distribution networks.

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Cómo citar


Castro Montilla, L. D., Beltrán Gallego, J. D. ., Castro Valencia, A., Giraldo Muñoz, C. A. y López Garcia , D. . (2023). Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10.


Castro Montilla, L.D., Beltrán Gallego, J.D. , Castro Valencia, A., Giraldo Muñoz, C.A. y López Garcia , D. 2023. Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL. 10, (mar. 2023).


Castro Montilla, L. D.; Beltrán Gallego, J. D. .; Castro Valencia, A.; Giraldo Muñoz, C. A.; López Garcia , D. . Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability. SICEL 2023, 10.


CASTRO MONTILLA, L. D.; BELTRÁN GALLEGO, J. D. .; CASTRO VALENCIA, A.; GIRALDO MUÑOZ, C. A.; LÓPEZ GARCIA , D. . Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, [S. l.], v. 10, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 feb. 2025.


Castro Montilla, Leidy Daniela, José David Beltrán Gallego, Alexandra Castro Valencia, Camilo Augusto Giraldo Muñoz, y Dahiana López Garcia. 2023. «Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability». Simposio Internacional Sobre La Calidad De La Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo).


Castro Montilla, L. D., Beltrán Gallego, J. D. ., Castro Valencia, A., Giraldo Muñoz, C. A. y López Garcia , D. . (2023) «Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability», Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10. Disponible en: (Accedido: 16 febrero 2025).


L. D. Castro Montilla, J. D. . Beltrán Gallego, A. Castro Valencia, C. A. Giraldo Muñoz, y D. . López Garcia, «Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability», SICEL, vol. 10, mar. 2023.


Castro Montilla, L. D., J. D. . Beltrán Gallego, A. Castro Valencia, C. A. Giraldo Muñoz, y D. . López Garcia. «Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, vol. 10, marzo de 2023,


Castro Montilla, Leidy Daniela, José David Beltrán Gallego, Alexandra Castro Valencia, Camilo Augusto Giraldo Muñoz, y Dahiana López Garcia. «Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo 21, 2023). Accedido febrero 16, 2025.


Castro Montilla LD, Beltrán Gallego JD, Castro Valencia A, Giraldo Muñoz CA, López Garcia D. Impacts of the Inclusion of Distributed Generation on Congestion of Distribution Networks and in the Islanding Operation Capability. SICEL [Internet]. 21 de marzo de 2023 [citado 16 de febrero de 2025];10. Disponible en:

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