Demand-Side Management Strategies, a Model of Expected Effects
Palabras clave:
Demand response, Demand-side management., Mathematical model (en)Descargas
This paper presents a quantitative, dynamic model that enables to assess the response from a set of users to different Demand-Side Management strategies that are available. As the result of a literature review, the model gathers classic Demand Response techniques and proposes new customer actions and other novel aspects such as energy culture and energy education. Beginning with the conceptualization of the model, it is shown the structure that interrelates customer actions with demand proposals, cost-benefit analysis and customer response. main aspects of the mathematical model to be implemented in Modelica modeling language are shown. In order to illustrate the adaptability of the model, simulations of intraday and interday shifting strategies, using real data from the electric sector in Colombia and different tariff factors, are included. Finally, achieved results of variables as modification on daily consumption profiles, daily energy consumption, energy cost, power peak changes and load duration curve are presented
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Derechos de autor 2023 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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