Small-Signal Stability and Sensitivity Analysis for Grid Following Converters
Palabras clave:
Voltage source converter, Análisis de pequeña señal, Convertidor seguidor de red, Estabilidad, Bifurcaciones, Análisis de sensibilidad (en)Descargas
This paper presents a small-signal analysis for the voltage source converter (VSC) operating as a grid-following device. This type of operation is common for the integration of distributed energy resources directly to the primary grid. The principal aim is to evaluate how each parameter of the controller influences the system’s stability. An average model in the dq reference frame is employed to describe the system dynamics in the equivalent state-space model; after that, the stability is analyzed through a sensitivity analysis of the eigenvalues of the state matrix. Numerical results complement the study.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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