Review of charging load modeling strategies for electric vehicles: A grid-to-vehicle probabilistic approach comparison
Palabras clave:
electric vehicles, distribution network, EV load modeling (en)Descargas
Different strategies are being considered to combat global warming. One of them is the inclusion of electric vehicles (EVs) within power networks. With the penetration of EVs, new challenges have arisen within the operation, planning and analysis of these networks. The modelling of the penetration of EVs in power network analysis studies has been widely addressed. In this article, we review different approaches to how this penetration can be modeled in power networks. From this review, we identified that these methods can be classified into three groups: deterministic, data driven and uncertainty/variability approaches. Finally, we evaluate and compare experimentally the performance of three uncertainty/variability approaches considering four levels of penetration of EVs. From this comparison, we found that the best model can be represented as a gamma probability distribution.
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