

Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs

Palabras clave:

Advanced Measurement Infrastructure (AMI), Demand Response Programs, Independent Information Manager (GIDI), modernization of the distribution network, Smart Grids (en)


  • Leidy Daniela Castro Montilla Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Sandra Ximena Carvajal Quintero Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Over time, society and the electricity sector have evolved to the point that it is now facing what is known as a fourth industrial revolution, in this sense, the concept of AMI (Advanced Measurement Infrastructure) systems emerges as an important part of the optimal functioning of a smart grid. Thereby, the following article presents a state of the art focused on the role those information management agents (GIDI) play when implementing an Advanced Measurement Infrastructure system in the Colombian electricity distribution network, based on different international experiences that allow gathering information on the guidelines under which these aggregating agents are governed, to then apply this knowledge to the current Colombian case and identify the variables that influence and enhance AMI systems through the optimal implementation of the new GIDI regulatory agents within the sector Colombian electricity company and in this way identify different scenarios where the GIDI can offer a business opportunity within the Colombian electricity market, focusing on establishing demand response programs as an option of economic retribution both for these new agents and for the other actors that are part of the process of provision of electric power service.

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Cómo citar


Castro Montilla, L. D. y Carvajal Quintero, S. X. (2023). Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10.


Castro Montilla, L.D. y Carvajal Quintero, S.X. 2023. Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL. 10, (mar. 2023).


Castro Montilla, L. D.; Carvajal Quintero, S. X. Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs. SICEL 2023, 10.


CASTRO MONTILLA, L. D.; CARVAJAL QUINTERO, S. X. Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, [S. l.], v. 10, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 feb. 2025.


Castro Montilla, Leidy Daniela, y Sandra Ximena Carvajal Quintero. 2023. «Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs». Simposio Internacional Sobre La Calidad De La Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo).


Castro Montilla, L. D. y Carvajal Quintero, S. X. (2023) «Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs», Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10. Disponible en: (Accedido: 6 febrero 2025).


L. D. Castro Montilla y S. X. Carvajal Quintero, «Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs», SICEL, vol. 10, mar. 2023.


Castro Montilla, L. D., y S. X. Carvajal Quintero. «Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, vol. 10, marzo de 2023,


Castro Montilla, Leidy Daniela, y Sandra Ximena Carvajal Quintero. «Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo 21, 2023). Accedido febrero 6, 2025.


Castro Montilla LD, Carvajal Quintero SX. Business Model for the Introduction of Aggregators to Colombian Electricity Distribution Networks through Demand Response Programs. SICEL [Internet]. 21 de marzo de 2023 [citado 6 de febrero de 2025];10. Disponible en:

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