

Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages

Palabras clave:

Enhanced phase-locked-loop, generator-set, iso- lated microgrid, synchronization of sources (en)



  • Maria Alejandra Mantilla Villalobos Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Ricardo Alzate Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Fabian Forero Universidad Industrial de Santander

This paper presents a method to perform syn- chronization of electrical sources in isolated microgrids under distorted voltages. Employing a generator-set (FG) as a base, a hybrid microgrid combining the FG with renewable sources has been configured as a potential solution to provide power demand at isolated zones. Experimental data collected from a real FG unveils harmonic content on its voltage waveform and ac- cordingly an enhanced Phase-Locked-Loop scheme was proposed to synchronize the power inverters of the renewable sources to an adaptively-filtered version of the reference voltage provided by the FG. Simulation results show that the synchronization achieved allows to perform power sharing among generators, being kept even under disturbances applied to the amplitude, frequency and phase parameters of the reference voltage. The synchronization scheme employs the cross-correlation coefficient as criterion to perform the connection of sources to the grid. On- going work includes the experimental validation of the proposed scheme on a real isolated-hybrid microgrid.


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Cómo citar


Mantilla Villalobos, M. A., Alzate, R. y Forero, F. (2023). Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10.


Mantilla Villalobos, M.A., Alzate, R. y Forero, F. 2023. Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL. 10, (mar. 2023).


Mantilla Villalobos, M. A.; Alzate, R.; Forero, F. Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages. SICEL 2023, 10.


MANTILLA VILLALOBOS, M. A.; ALZATE, R.; FORERO, F. Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages. Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, [S. l.], v. 10, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 feb. 2025.


Mantilla Villalobos, Maria Alejandra, Ricardo Alzate, y Fabian Forero. 2023. «Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages». Simposio Internacional Sobre La Calidad De La Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo).


Mantilla Villalobos, M. A., Alzate, R. y Forero, F. (2023) «Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages», Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, 10. Disponible en: (Accedido: 9 febrero 2025).


M. A. Mantilla Villalobos, R. Alzate, y F. Forero, «Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages», SICEL, vol. 10, mar. 2023.


Mantilla Villalobos, M. A., R. Alzate, y F. Forero. «Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL, vol. 10, marzo de 2023,


Mantilla Villalobos, Maria Alejandra, Ricardo Alzate, y Fabian Forero. «Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages». Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL 10 (marzo 21, 2023). Accedido febrero 9, 2025.


Mantilla Villalobos MA, Alzate R, Forero F. Synchronization of Isolated Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources under Distorted Voltages. SICEL [Internet]. 21 de marzo de 2023 [citado 9 de febrero de 2025];10. Disponible en:

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