Integration of DER in the Planning of Low Voltage Electric Distribution Networks
Palabras clave:
Distributed generation, energy storage systems, iter- ated local search, low voltage networks. (es)
This paper proposes a new methodology to integrate distributed energy resources (DERs) into the planning of low voltage distribution networks. The methodology considers the inclusion of DERs such as battery energy storage systems (ESSs) and renewable distributed generators (DGs) based on solar and wind generation. The mathematical formulation to describe the problem involves a mixed-integer non-linear model, where the objective function minimizes the fixed and operational costs of the networks and the total purchase cost of energy from the primary feeder. Thus, the distribution company takes advantage of the optimal operation of ESSs and generates profits using energy arbitrage (i.e., the difference between energy purchase and sale). The fixed costs are: i) installation of new elements (i.e., secondary branches, distribution transformers (DTs), DGs, and ESSs), ii) upgrading of existing elements, and iii) operation and maintenance of the ESSs. The operational costs are the technical energy losses of secondary circuits, DTs, and ESSs calculated in the present value. The set of constraints are the technical and operative characteristics of the low voltage networks, DTs, DGs, and ESSs. An Iterated Local Search algorithm is used to solve this problem, and a secondary distribution system of 138-nodes test its effectiveness. The obtained results support the proposed methodology.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Simposio Internacional sobre la Calidad de la Energía Eléctrica - SICEL

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